Daniele Tricoli moved to |

I wear many hats, sometime simultaneously.

@smallsees I finished Leviathan Wakes last week and thanks to the PTO I'm already over half of Caliban's War! I agree with you on both the books and the tv series.

I discovered that the books existed only after viewing 4 seasons of the tv show, and before watching the fifth season I'm reading the books.

It's sad that it seems that season 6 will be the final season. :(

@cb I agree with the suggestion to not use AWS.If you really really want S3 API you may take a look at MinIO:

You can self-host it. I never tried it, so I don't know how many resources it needs.

I would also go with syncthing...

@spacekookie @kelbot

Just discovered the Include keyword for ~/.ssh/config available from OpenSSH 7.3p1 and up.

I’m so happy!

The 21st Debian Conference is being held Online, due to COVID-19, from August 23rd to 29th, 2020.

@olivia I've been using Hack[¹] for some years now, but sometime I try something else from time to time, like Fira Code or Noto Mono. Next time I will take a look at M+[²].


@fribbledom I got mine at the beginning of this month, never looking back.

@KinmenRisingProject me too...

@codewiz be careful!

@dansup oh no, take care! 💪

@chakuari oh, don't worry about the age of the version of the standard covered by K&R, you will be able to look at the new stuff later. @solene

@chakuari oh sorry, when I read King's book I already studied C from K&C and another book. I remember it was a good book.
Uhm... I have in my mind another title, but I did not read this one: Head First C[¹].

The Head First is a book series that uses a strange approach full puzzles, jokes, photos and figure to make the reader remember concepts.
It should be more beginner friendly.



@zhenech I'm getting that too since few days, maybe someone collected emails from some Debian related source?

@chakuari @codewiz oh, interessanti, non appena ho un momento di tranquillità guardo per bene, grazie!

@chakuari @codewiz grazie questa me l'ero segnata avendone letto in quel blog post che ho citato prima. Mi fa piacere sentirla citata nuovamente! Grazie!

@chakuari maybe you can use it just to layout programs when you use the terminal. In the screenshot: on the left I have vim, on the top right the output of pdftohtml -stdout -i hello.pdf | lynx -stdin and on bottom right just the terminal to execute arara.

Like tmux there is also screen, but I switched to tmux years ago because I find its interface simpler.

Unfortunately pdftohtml seems to not support japanese.


@codewiz @chakuari grazie mille, contavo di iniziare con la grammatica appunto finita la fase di "bootstrapping" che consiglia lì e cioè di saper leggere hiragana, katakana ed i primi 100 kanji, ma se conviene inziare già con la grammatica lo farò volentieri, grazie!

@chakuari @codewiz come dicevo io sono proprio all'inizio, mi è piaciuto questo articolo[¹] e sono alla fase di bootstrapping: riesco a leggere l'hiragana, attualmente sono al katakana. Sto usando anki che non conoscevo, con un paio di deck di quelli condivisi. Come obiettivo concreto, per iniziare, mi sono posto di quello di riuscire a leggere un qualunque manga di Osamu Tezuka.


@chakuari @solene beside the already suggested K&R, you may want to take a look at C Programming: A Modern Approach[¹] by King.


@codewiz @chakuari ho iniziato a studiare il giapponese grazie alla quarantena (non dovendo recarmi in ufficio ho guadagnato del tempo), ma sono ancora all'inzio!

Concordo sulla complessità dei linguaggi di programmazione, soprattutto lo studio può anche esser più graduale di quello di una lingua.


Hey all, happy to announce that NODE Vol 02 is out featuring 180 pages of articles and interviews about P2P and open hardware projects, with an updated Open Source Directory and new Meshnet Atlas! Download a digital version for free or preorder a hard copy

@codingquark @julienxx @kensanata I'm using nextcloud (only for calendar and contants) since several years with no issue at all, but since I use it only for contacts and calendar I plan to switch to something like radicale or baikal.
