@solene congrats!
I see "éditeurs" (without quotes) using both netsurf and firefox, maybe there something strange related to encoding?
I see "éditeurs" (without quotes) using both netsurf and firefox, maybe there something strange related to encoding?
@rysiek @tindall I agree on the datamining exception of course. So as both of you say IIUC the model extracted from the data anyway can't be seen as a derivative work because is like when someone make a new discovery on a pre-existent set of data, right? The model by default is something new, right?
@rysiek could an AGPL license like with a clause about AI models useful here? I mean could it make sense? If you train your AI with this, the model would be covered by the same AGPL like license, and you have to release it.
Just wondering: if someone make the same of github copilot but for music using YouTube, the songs made by the AI would not be copyright infringement although it can be possible that some parts are verbatim copy from trained material?
Just wondering: if someone make the same of github copilot but for music using YouTube, the songs made by the AI would not be copyright infringement although it can be possible that some parts are verbatim copy from trained material?
Look at your EU Digital COVID Certificate
A blog post about a simple decoder for EU Digital COVID Certificates that I wrote.
A blog post about a simple decoder for EU Digital COVID Certificates that I wrote.
@neil @liw maybe they were asking about something like this one? https://www.mymooltipass.com/
Never used something like this, and I don't have an opinion about.
Never used something like this, and I don't have an opinion about.
@emanuele is brave adv network really opt-in? Please have a look at this post of werwolf@fosstodon.org https://ebin.city/~werwolf/posts/brave-is-shit/
The post cover much more than the adv network related problems, it's really worth reading.
The post cover much more than the adv network related problems, it's really worth reading.
@Titicolin … not if the compiler catch it! 🙂
I know for sure that rust catch it: compiling a source with greek question mark:
fn main()
println!("Hello universe!");
give us the picture I attached.
For sure other compilers/linters detect it.
@leo_mantooo io mi trovo bene con questa: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.simplemobiletools.gallery.pro/
L'ho installata proprio da f-droid (è uno store con solo software libero che però va installato manualmente), ma credo che sia anche sul play store nel caso non fosse possibile utilizzare f-droid.
L'ho installata proprio da f-droid (è uno store con solo software libero che però va installato manualmente), ma credo che sia anche sul play store nel caso non fosse possibile utilizzare f-droid.
@leo_mantooo ho un setup differente (ho 2 backup a casa ed uno remoto - che uso solo come backup, non sono interessato alla fruizione) e non utilizzo photoprism. Detto questo, in locale monterei webdav con qualcosa come davfs2, quindi utilizzerei un'applicazione gallery che naviga semplicemente il filesystem locale. Per il mobile dalla documentazione leggo che photoprism è scritto per essere una PWA, quindi si può metterlo nella home e dovrebbe funzionare a mo' di app. Non va bene?
@gubi 🤦
@sean in addition to the others suggested you may want to look at Martian Time-Slip. I really liked it.
@valhalla @malerbabomba @GustavinoBevilacqua aggiungo solo una cosa: il fa bene il suo lavoro (cioè principalmente ha il tipo decimal built-in) pare che lo faccia meglio (è più performante) di altri linguaggi: https://medium.com/the-technical-archaeologist/is-cobol-holding-you-hostage-with-math-5498c0eb428b qui fanno un confronto con JAVA per le performance, non ho idea se ci siano dei benchmark con altri linguaggi.
@spacekookie happy birthday! 🎂
@tindall great, I loved the first edition and I'm sure to buy also this one!
Will it be released this month as showed here[¹]?
[¹] https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/programming-rust-2nd/9781492052586/
Will it be released this month as showed here[¹]?
[¹] https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/programming-rust-2nd/9781492052586/
@spacekookie It's a good plan!
@sneak I would like something like this. I'm aware of this premium service for write.as called snap.as[¹], but it's not clear to me if it's only a "photo storage", I mean you upload a photo from write.as and you get a public URL of the photo, or it create also the gallery we can see in the home page. Unfortunately I was not able to find public galleries on snap.as. But the idea seems like your, and I like your idea.
[¹] https://snap.as/
[¹] https://snap.as/
@mindspillage oh now I see! I can understand. Uhm... maybe building this https://marcteyssier.com/projects/eyecam/ could help on being aware about being on call...
@lxo good point but I mainly use a laptop and although it's not new (it's a T440s) it still works fine and I don't want to open it to physically disable the webcam (it's not so good but works and can be useful), so for me the cover is the way to go! 😄