@codewiz maybe you already know, but to tweak the order of completions you can use priority or just order sources as you want them. I chose the latter:

I also moved recently to neovim (I think about 3 week ago), and I don't know lua (yet!) but I decided to full switch, so my conf is only lua.

@codewiz please feel free to take a look if it can help you:

Ignore the ansible layer on top, it's only because I have more than one machine were I want my stuff and all the other systems I tried (from pure git of the HOME to handcrafted Makefile, to home management software) did not worked well at the end.

@codewiz thanks I used vim for several years, and I simply tried to keep the new configuration organized as the old one :)

@codewiz oh, I did not know that rust-analyzer shows also snippets! Thanks for sharing that wiki page I will also tweak my config to show the completion source and icons!

@codewiz @srevinsaju here mine:

Pmenu xxx ctermfg=0 ctermbg=13 guifg=#B0BEC5 guibg=#1A1A1A
PmenuSel xxx ctermfg=242 ctermbg=0 guifg=#1A1A1A guibg=#FF9800
PmenuSbar xxx ctermbg=248 guibg=#1A1A1A
PmenuThumb xxx ctermbg=15 guibg=#404040

I'm using this theme:

@codewiz I'm happy that it's starting to work as you want. I agree it was not easy and not so fun also for me... and still I have to do more tweaking to my config!


@codewiz maybe I don't get snippets because I don't have a general collection of them, my use case was to have my custom snippet for a new blog entry[¹] it was not too fun to write in the DSL of luasnip...
I will try what happen when I add more snippets and I will tell you, maybe also my conf is broken!


@codewiz for LSP support of function signature, I found this that seems to do what we want but I have not tried it yet.

@codewiz I fully agree with you on VimL, and I also hope that we will avoid the paradox of choice. It can be fun configure you editor but maybe you just want to use it!
Maybe as showed by the way is to provide ready to go configs... I really don't know.

@codewiz great! I will add it ASAP!