Just lost my day job after 6 and a half years out of the blue with no warning.

8 weeks severance.

My wife and I have now both lost our jobs in the last few weeks. I will lose my health insurance in 8 weeks.


@mattl jfc im so sorry

@mattl Dammit.

@mattl fuck!

@mattl Fuck that’s horrible 🫂

@mattl oh no, so sorry to hear! that’s got to be so stressful! Please let us know if there’s anything we can do or how we can help promote you on our networks.

@mattl I just can't manage to understand why a nation can tolerate having health care linked to employment, it's just so nonsensical.

@mattl Ah shit Matt, I'm so sorry. If I can help with anything feel free to DM/email etc and let me know what you'd be looking for. Look after yourself whilst you process it all

@highvoltage I moved here almost 20 years ago and still haven’t wrapped my head around it.


godspeed 🍀

@mattl ugh so sorry :(

@mattl hang in there. It’s a rough job market, but you’ll find something

@mattl Jesus Christ, Matt, I'm so sorry! This is fucked up. I appreciate you a lot, wishing you both best of luck!

@mattl that's terrible. I hope you can find something soon.

@mattl ugh so sorry to hear.

@mattl Well, fuck. So sorry to hear this.

@neil Sadly I cannot blame it on the OSA.

@mattl ugggh. I'm so sorry, that's awful and terrifying. Hoping for swift and soft landings for you both ❤️‍🩹

@mattl that's awful I'm so sorry!