The fascists arenโ€™t winning because neoliberalism has failed but because it has succeeded.

@aral Where's all this neoliberalism everyone is talking about?

@highvoltage ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‰

@highvoltage @aral โ€œWhereโ€™s all this water people are talking about?โ€ โ€” Mr bubbles, the goldfish.

@aral And also because we all ignore the money creation mechanics and who creates it. With this set of rules the outcome is unavoidable. We give for granted too many things, and money is one, yet is the pillar of our current society. What's even money to begin with?

@paradigma @aral

This is a lie; GOLD has nothing to do with Capitalism failing

CAPITALISM has to do w capitalism failing

@HarbingerOfSalem @paradigma @aral I need more details please

@freakyselena @paradigma @aral

In order of relevance

1) Capitalism in the 21rst century mathematically and statistically proves eternally and beyond refute that capitalism will inevitably fail lower claseses beyond the ability if reform to fix

2) capitalism was the contributing factor that allowed climate change to be known to bappen and still not enacted properly

3) Elon Musk was allowed to buy Twitter and was then later given a massive raise by the tesla board despite not deserving it

None of that has anything to do with the money supply and if it diesnt convince on its own by empirical observation then you cant be convinced

@HarbingerOfSalem @freakyselena @paradigma @aral

Could you share what is the mathematical proof mentioned in point 1?

@HarbingerOfSalem @freakyselena @paradigma @aral

Here's a link for the article in the screenshot:

It has an unusual amount of criticism for something that is mathematically beyond refute.

@pinguino @HarbingerOfSalem @freakyselena @aral

Every type of theory that tries to fix this capitalism thing will fail, every single one. They just not address the root cause, which is, money is created by private corporations that we call banks, without any valid argument. This is like asking to Mcdolands for a billion USD to fix the economy. We are owe by a handful of people just because we ignore this little fact.

Every digits belongs to them. Money is just debt.

@paradigma @HarbingerOfSalem @freakyselena @aral

Money have existed long before any bank or state.

Current fiat money is not created by banks but states (through central banking).

Fixing capitalism fails because there is nothing to fix.

@pinguino @paradigma @HarbingerOfSalem @freakyselena Banks literally create money out of thin air the moment they issue a loan.


I dont engage in civil conversations with advocates of theft