Does anyone selfhost nextcloud for their friends and family? If so, what distro do you recommend? Im thinking of going with alpine linux cause that's what Im familiar with.

@craftyguy Ya I used to use a vps running arch....Never again. Every Friday was lets migrate postgresql day.

I want use nextcloud even though I hate php because this is for family and nextcloud is very polished. By the way, this PC would only be a server for nextcloud, nothing else. So it's kind of a container heh. Should I just use Alpine Linux?

@zachdecook What was the manual intervention you had to do? How long did it take for you to fix it?

@anjan I think alpine linux is more than fine and also you are familiar with it that is something you should underestimate. I mean if your purpose it's just to deploy nextcloud (not learning in the same time a new distro or OS) you should go with the one you are familiar with. This is what I would do.

@zachdecook alpine it is!