@polarisfm I just have to find an open print store. Cant wait to print this!
@polarisfm That sounds cool! Please tag me when it is available. =)
@polarisfm This is such a cool sticker. Might put one on my corebooted x230 =D
@polarisfm @resynth1943 If amd dropped their psp. I would become a full blown simp for them.
@amolith diode.zone often has some pretty good content and afaik follows your rules.
@gemlog sxmo's 1.2.0 release is coming out soon!
@fribbledom Any suggestions for what we could do to lower this stat?
Just switched from archlinux to openrc devuan on my main workstation and it's surprisingly really good!
@jbauer I ran matrix synapse for 3 months and it was such a headache. Just making your software free software and allowing federation is not enough to avoid centralization. You need to make sure self-hosters are able to setup a server easily and cheaply.
I think 404.city estimated synapse costed 1$ per device:
Ive been waiting for a good matrix server implementation for 4 years now and I think it wont be here anytime soon.
I think 404.city estimated synapse costed 1$ per device:
Ive been waiting for a good matrix server implementation for 4 years now and I think it wont be here anytime soon.
@werwolf Welcome! Try to send a toot with ":arch:" or ":void:". It should autocomplete with other distros. You can add those distros to your name :)
Still thinking about that time my engineering prof was like "Ya, so this is a really nice signal. The signal to noise ratio is very good. No one will complain about this. Well, some people with sensitive ears might complain. Or should I say - people who think they have sensitive ears might complain"
@polarisfm This would be really cool! If I can add some suggestions:
- Show how to make your current laptops, desktops, etc. more freedom respecting (repairing and changing parts)
- Please post on a freedom respecting platform as well - ie. peertube.
- Show how to make your current laptops, desktops, etc. more freedom respecting (repairing and changing parts)
- Please post on a freedom respecting platform as well - ie. peertube.
Free software front-end for reddit: https://teddit.net/
@korthrun It's a documentary of every engineering meeting ever.
@lanodan Interesting. Ive always wondered whether these companies calculate the cost of hosting all this javascript+having devs maintain the javascript. How is it still a smart business move^tm to serve terabytes of javascript?
@Novimatrem programming streams are alot of fun! I like watching other people solve problems =)