Anjan |

Software Freedom Advocate. I try to be helpful. Feel free to message me! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Co-maintainer of sxmo:

Posts here are my own and not my employers'.


The #Sxmo and #sxmo-offtopic irc channels are now on the oftc network:

The freenode channels are no longer in use. If you are out of the loop see:

@jarbus @hund Ya, I selfhost xmpp+mumble. It's not perfect but it gets the job done. The current state of matrix is not good:

It's not enough that the server software is free software and federated. The server software must be easy, cheap, and simple to self host.

@jarbus @hund You can host a mumble server on a cheap computer though instead of the supercomputer that matrix requires.

You can watch our presentation of Sxmo at alpineconf here:

@govynnus Ya, that command works and gives me the correct time. Cool! I didnt know.

@govynnus Maybe dont use the date command if you're unsure. Try out the various websites. Just make sure it says "CEST" - Central European Summer Time.

@govynnus Thanks! Hope to see you there.

I actually discussed this on the alpine-devel irc cause I was so confused. CEST in the date command gives the wrong time. We have no idea why. So some people (including alpine) meant CEST is an abbreviation for "central european summer time". CET in the date command is "central european time". Im assuming CET in the date command already takes into account daylight savings?

If you figure it out, let me know.

The Alpinconf 2021 schedule just got posted!

SXMO will be giving a talk during Saturday
16:30 Central European Summer Time. To see what time the talk is in your timezone, run the following command on your system:

$ date -R --date='TZ="CET" 16:30 this Sat'

We will also be answering questions during the call and maybe hanging out in the offtopic call. Hope to see you guys there!

@lanodan what is BB?

@fedops @fatboy I always install to eMMC. I dont trust SD cards with my data.

@fatboy postmarketos is systemd free and works super well on my pbp!

@be and sending texts using vim and ssh!

@fribbledom I set up a webcam stream to watch the printer! Best recipe site ever.

- no ads
- no trackers
- no life advice
- no javascript

Just recipes. It just needs contributions!

@icedquinn @qorg11 @wetsocks Ya, I agree their approval process is a bit long. I try to help by reviewing other people's PRs on github even though Im not a core contributor.

All in all, the quality of packages in void-packages is way better than the aur as a result of the review process.

@wetsocks @qorg11 You can but the source package manager "xbps-src" is really easy to learn. If you can compile from source, you can compile using xbps-src. Furthermore, if you contribute your template to the void-packages repos, others can help improve your package and update your package. This is really helpful since void is rolling release and often a new libressl/openssl update requires a rebuild of all packages.

@qorg11 @ij Turns out, it's in the docs. My bad.

@qorg11 @ij Thanks, Ill try that in the morning.

@qorg11 @ij is it on a subdomain?

@qorg11 @ij Im using the python3+ flask version.
