Anjan -> fosdem |

Software Freedom Advocate. I try to be helpful. Feel free to message me! 😃

Co-maintainer of sxmo:

Posts here are my own and not my employers'.


@captainepoch @newt Ive used both and spacemacs had more issues with upgrades. I might just be using it wrong. Doom is also faster. However, it's pretty easy to transfer in between the two so dont be scared to try both.

Pinephone keyboard is good. If anything, it allows me to move floating windows around that arent optimized for mobile. ie. the omemo window in dino which I could not interact with without the pinephone keyboard.

Sxmo irc channel reached 100 users yesterday so I thought Id share one of the funniest moments on the channel:

cc: @stacyharper @proycon
gitlab isnt working for me. Stacy diagnoses it as me having disabled javascript. We realize that we are in this niche where stacy instantly knew what the issue was.

@ckeen Glad you found it useful! go-sendxmpp is really great. =)

Important notice for pinephone keyboard users:

Charge the PinePhone only via the keyboard’s USB-C port. When coupled with the keyboard, the PinePhone’s USB-C is to be used solely for data and peripherials. Under no circumstances
should the keyboard and PinePhone be charged simultaneously by their respective USB-C ports


Sxmo 1.8.0 was just released. It has a plethora of usability improvements:

- the daemons more robust
- better bluetooth support
- pipewire/pulseaudio support

And many more fixes! Thanks to everyone that contributed and help identify major issues like the losing touch issue. The losing touch issue is fixed in pmOS edge and should be fixed in pmOS stable soon.

Full release notes here:


Really good post on why distros and package maintainers matter:

@werwolf link to blog?

@tomasino They disabled the use of "external desktop clients". So you have to use the webclient.

Im sure it's still using imap.

My university disabled imap so I have to use the outlook web client. This is a bug:

How do you manage to ship a product with this bug. I spent so much time thinking I was doing something wrong.

@silverhax @fraolt @proycon Nice! Feel free to add your findings to the postmarketOS wiki so that you can find it in the future and others can help keep it up to date.

@silverhax @fraolt @proycon You could try using `x2x`. I have packaged it in alpine stable and edge.

@fraolt @silverhax @proycon You can install the dwm postmarketos ui metapackage alongside the sway postmarketos ui metapackage via apk. If you want, feel free to send a patch to the docs.

@twrightsman @craftyguy Writing a package for alpine is really easy!

@drq I dont use docker so I cant help you there. You can install go-sendxmpp from the alpine repos if you are on edge. If not, you have to use go get and have a potentially insecure version of go-sendxmpp.

I got blinking led working on the pinephone pro.

@cnx I use evil mode 😞

@cnx capslock is my escape key lol. I dont wanna change that. I use escape more than ctrl.

@graf LMAO. I use emacs so my left ctrl key broke 😞. I dont wanna order another set of keys so I just moved my right ctrl key to my left ctrl key.

@alexandra Yes it is!
