@colinl give me the link if you end up setting it up!
@micke It might be easier to post links to the apps and people here can help you package.
@craftyguy Or better yet, the 1tb external fills up and I setup paid borg "host". Btw, this server is my "remote backup". I already have a local backup so thats why Im not too worried.
@craftyguy My question was more: "if you only had 2 drives and had to choose between raid or backup, what would you do?". I do have a 1 tb external hard drive. I can backup to that. I dont think Ill fill up the 4 tb anytime soon so I think putting it in raid and just buying an external hard drive later when the 1tb fills up. I bought 4 tb cause the price difference from 1 tb drives wasnt that large heh.
So i got my 2 hard drives for my nextcloud server. Should i go with raid or have my second hard drive borgbackup from my 1st drive?
@zachdecook alpine it is!
@lanodan Interesting. I never thought of this. Truth be told, Ive only gotten 3 pgp signed emails in my life. I see you have reop public key on your about page. Do you recommend reop instead?
@lanodan Banks and governments pgp signing their emails and texts when.
@normandc @craftyguy Heh, understandable! Mobian is great. I was just wondering if pmOS fixed the issue where you have to reflash every upgrade and your post was a good opportunity to ask.
@normandc iirc, upgrading between releases is in the timeline for pmOS. Not sure if itll be in there for current to next release upgrade.
cc @craftyguy
cc @craftyguy
@zachdecook What was the manual intervention you had to do? How long did it take for you to fix it?
@craftyguy Ya I used to use a vps running arch....Never again. Every Friday was lets migrate postgresql day.
I want use nextcloud even though I hate php because this is for family and nextcloud is very polished. By the way, this PC would only be a server for nextcloud, nothing else. So it's kind of a container heh. Should I just use Alpine Linux?
I want use nextcloud even though I hate php because this is for family and nextcloud is very polished. By the way, this PC would only be a server for nextcloud, nothing else. So it's kind of a container heh. Should I just use Alpine Linux?
@herag Maybe they fixed it on the later releases. Im not sure heh.
Does anyone selfhost nextcloud for their friends and family? If so, what distro do you recommend? Im thinking of going with alpine linux cause that's what Im familiar with.
@herag I had this weird bug where the editor woudnt open on aerc. So i switched to neomutt. If aerc works, it's great!
@geekalogian overcooked is really fun!
@JustineSmithies protonmail's requirement of a bridge is scary. email is an open protocol! I use and can recommend migadu. The pricing makes sense and there is no vendor lock-in.
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