disaster2life |

Internet weirdo, F/OSS enjoyer, Debian Culter, pursuing a degree by day, spending my nights sleepless :p; feel free to reach out, and have a great day!

(Profile Picture and Banner are from Doki Doki Universe)

Legitimate question

Brittany Evans @ByBrittanyEvans 
I work at a bookstore and this was an actual conversation I had at work last night: 
5 year old boy: *brings me a romance book* what's this? 

me: a story about two people falling in love! 

b: there a dragon in it? 

me: no.. b: then why do you even have it on the shelf?

It's not a "newsletter" if you have to click a link in the email to read it.

using laptop in bed uncomfyyy, wth

@amberisvibin @yassie_j rabbit hearted always calms me down I would recommend Liana Flores' Recently, also is similarlyishly calming and nice and aaaaa for me

If it was unrequited, it wasn't your first love. It was your first desire. You've got all your loves ahead of you. That sounds pretty great to me.

@amberisvibin @yassie_j always have, I love rabbit hearted to DEATH, got me through a lot, and mantarays is great.

A computer can never be spiteful or horny. Therefore a computer must never make art

@amberisvibin @yassie_j holy shit chloe listeners!

Had to hop onto a bigger instance to see all the posts; Mostly just federated news services, some things I assumed would be there and some cool I people I dont know, nice enuff id say?

I realise now, I do not believe I have ever checked if #Delhi exists at all as a space here, I live in a bigish city; There ought to be something interesting to report back (I havent checked, I accidentally did this on *anonymous proprietary platform* and it was just voyerism)

Tweet from Jason Hickel on Jan 6 2022 saying: "The climate crisis reveals that our civilization has never really been organized around science, contrary to the usual Enlightened narrative. It is organized around capital. Science is embraced when it serves the interests of capital, and is often ignored when it does not."

A propos of absolutely nothing, :neoiceWoozy:

An emote of an ICE train with a woozy face.

As someone currently homeless due to climate disaster and hasn't gotten much help, I want to remind y'all to pay special attention to the single and especially the single disabled who are being displaced now.

Everyone wants to help "families". Please remember the people that don't have those.

From a UCLA scientist đź’”

The insanity of being a fire ecologist in the epicenter of a major fire event, bags packed and ready to evacuate, watching active fire from my window, while taking media requests and explaining to the public, for the 100,000th time how climate change is largely responsible for this

A modified version of xkcd 2347: a tall stack of blocks labeled "all modern calls for infrastructure support and funding" is being held up by a tiny block which is the original xkcd comic, labeled "a web comic some random person in massachusetts has thanklessly drawn in 2020"

After close consideration we have come to the decision to block instance wide on all related instances


The new Meta policy goes against much we stand for and we will not allow to let it spill over to the Fediverse

I just checked the numbers and it seems Threads is the biggest 'loser' here

On all instances combined we lose just under 100 followers spread across all instances

Threads will lose over 13K total

Screenshot from blocking

Accounts profiles this would delete	13,784
Followers their users would lose	8,611
Followers our users would lose	44
