@paoloredaelli you may want to read a summary of this matter made by LWN: https://lwn.net/Articles/557820/
@be @Alamantus I removed it from the list of languages to care about after reading this series¹ by @cadey
¹ https://christine.website/blog/series/v
¹ https://christine.website/blog/series/v
@florian for the list of non-pushed commits I use this alias (I missed the feature when I migrated from mercurial to git), maybe it can be useful also for you:
out = !git fetch && git log FETCH_HEAD..
this way you don’t need to start a rebase (if you only want to know commits not pushed yet).
I have also an alias for the opposite:
in = !git fetch && git log ..FETCH_HEAD
I hope this could be useful.
@mauriziocarnago @underscorner lo penso pure io, ho fatto un account ma non ho ancora provato. Dovrei anche capire perché di quelli che riesce a importare diversi sono senza copertina ☹️
Sxmo 1.9.0 has been released and should be in the postmarketOS edge repos soon. We added support for better daemon supervision via superd, pipewire/bluetooth enhancements, and now support a new classes of devices (ie. tablets)! We have added support for calling on new devices ie. poco f1.
@mauriziocarnago se fanno loro stessi il deploy per come lo consigliano¹ allora ahimè stanno usando il server di sviluppo che non è pensato minimamente per la produzione. :(
@underscorner @flaviotorba
¹ https://github.com/bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm/blob/main/docker-compose.yml#L26
@underscorner @flaviotorba
¹ https://github.com/bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm/blob/main/docker-compose.yml#L26
@mauriziocarnago grazie, proverò! Nel connector che hanno scritto¹ vedo solo dei getter e non mi pare che si possa inserire da qualche parte un token per far si che dal proprio utente Bookwyrm si faccia un inserimento su OpenLibrary.
@underscorner conta che distruggerò di nuovo e reimporterò la mia lista di libri ogni tot, spero che non ti riempia di notifiche! :/
¹ https://github.com/bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm/blob/main/bookwyrm/connectors/openlibrary.py
@underscorner conta che distruggerò di nuovo e reimporterò la mia lista di libri ogni tot, spero che non ti riempia di notifiche! :/
¹ https://github.com/bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm/blob/main/bookwyrm/connectors/openlibrary.py
@mauriziocarnago oh interessante, avevo capito che bisognasse (e mi ero fatto un account non ricordo dove... qualcosa sotto archive.org) contribuire ai cataloghi da cui attingono per l'import. C'è della documentazione sull'inserimento manuale? Su https://docs.joinbookwyrm.com/ vedo praticamente solo documentazione sul deploy. Grazie!
@mauriziocarnago @underscorner pure io ne ho uno ed ogni tot provo a fare un import dei libri da goodreads... ma riesce ad importarne meno di una decina... quindi non lo sto usando purtroppo. 😢
@thebiologist1117 thanks!
@thebiologist1117 Hi!
Thanks for suggesting it! I seems pretty interesting: I will add it to the pool of podcasts from which I take episodes to listen. Can I random choose an episode or it is better to start from the first and go sequentially?
Thanks for suggesting it! I seems pretty interesting: I will add it to the pool of podcasts from which I take episodes to listen. Can I random choose an episode or it is better to start from the first and go sequentially?
@anjan good point! Maybe you just could try birdnetpi first, for some time to see what it identify and then switch to NymphCast? Use case is different, so I think you can ask yourself in what mood you are and then decide.
@thebiologist1117 I usually take a walk after lunch and in the meantime I listen some podcasts. I enjoyed some of the interview by Tim Ferriss: there is one with Neil Gaiman the I really liked.
But I don't follow a specific podcast, I usually jump from one to another.
Do you listen podcasts too?
But I don't follow a specific podcast, I usually jump from one to another.
Do you listen podcasts too?
@globalc it feels strange also to me... (and I don't think personally I have the energy to manage multiple accounts...).
The parallels to verbose switch of unix tools is interesting: I would love also a way to filter for language. I mean, if I post in my native language maybe I'm saying something very important, but everyone that don't speak that language maybe would want to ignore. :)
I think human interaction is a complex problem :)
The parallels to verbose switch of unix tools is interesting: I would love also a way to filter for language. I mean, if I post in my native language maybe I'm saying something very important, but everyone that don't speak that language maybe would want to ignore. :)
I think human interaction is a complex problem :)
@globalc oh I didn't think about followers number: I have disabled both following and followers numbers on my profile because I'm here just to talk on some stuff, if people find what I say interesting they may follow, not because I "have" lots of followers.
I'll look tinytinyrss, thanks! Now I use miniflux but it just have this main page with all unread posts, and it make me want to read posts just to clear that unread number :/
I'll look tinytinyrss, thanks! Now I use miniflux but it just have this main page with all unread posts, and it make me want to read posts just to clear that unread number :/
@globalc @tagomago my fear moving someone to RSS is that anyway I will not be able to read them all anyway (I already have an average of 300 post unread on my RSS feed). I was looking at hometown instead, for this specific feature:
So just move people out of the home timeline, and just read them when I feel I have time to do so. But the cost is high, since this solution means to move to hometown :(
So just move people out of the home timeline, and just read them when I feel I have time to do so. But the cost is high, since this solution means to move to hometown :(
@Yaku @rapitadaglialieni secondo me avete intuito giusto fin dall'inizio, cioè la richiesta era ingrandita in scala 1:1 rispetto alla dimensione del foglio.
Comunque, vi sono vicini, in questo periodo sto facendo consulenze e quello che ho ricordato (sì l'avevo già fatto in passato) è che la gente non riesce a esprimere (magari manco se l'è chiarito) cosa voglia...
Comunque, vi sono vicini, in questo periodo sto facendo consulenze e quello che ho ricordato (sì l'avevo già fatto in passato) è che la gente non riesce a esprimere (magari manco se l'è chiarito) cosa voglia...
@straw I just discovered this wonderful post made by @Anarcat about backporting Debian packages: https://anarc.at/software/debian-development/
You should be able to backport minetest just following it, it's really well made.
Anyway for any question I'm here! :)
You should be able to backport minetest just following it, it's really well made.
Anyway for any question I'm here! :)