highvoltage |

☮️ Secular humanist ☀️ Solarpunk 👦 Free Software Geek 🍥 Debian Developer
🇿🇦 Cape Town 👼🏼 Pope 🤔 INTJ ⚡ Resistance is not futile 🔌 Survival is insufficient

Israel rapidly losing support worldwide, poll shows, facing genocide charges at Hague:

@LALegault I'm mentally preparing myself for disappointment, but hoping for a good outcome. While the case is pretty good, money speaks a lot louder.

@Josteglitz It's a pity that the ideas behind antifa are just a fashion statement in Europe, and especially in Germany.

Democracy Now speaks to Erin Axelman, co-director of the new film Israelism, which examines American Jews’ Growing Rejection of Israel’s Occupation:

@dancinyogi They're not involved in any of my password recoveries so don't even try :p

@postmaster @erincandescent Food for thought when thinking about registering a domain name anywhere!

Geopolitics / Israel
Owen Jones interviews Miko Peled, who grew up in a military family in Israel. He provides great insight on the mindset of Israelis:

And a talk from 10 years ago where he goes a lot deeper:

re: Uspol
@mitch Wow there's a name I haven't heard in a very long time.

@LALegault told you.

@LALegault I wish they could show their faces more.

@LALegault You're much more of an optimist than I am!

@justafrog @LALegault I think pretty much everyone expects the Israeli case to be a total shit show.

Now and again my government gets something right.

@jhaand Excellent logic, thanks! So that means I can take a week holiday afterwards and still be in the positive productive-wise!

So tempted to go to #FOSDEM, but it's really far for such a short event.

@ecsd Yeah!

@darrenmorin Do it wherever you can. Every bit helps.

@darrenmorin If you're serious about upsetting the manchild, rather point out his xenophopia, racism, anti-semitism, etc etc

It's 2024, you don't have to say "X formerly known as Twitter" anymore. If someone still doesn't know that, they never will.

@directhex Your payment methods are teh stink.
