@ParadeGrotesque You left out all the bombs that are killing innocent children
And for those who want to ask why because you can't tell what a total garbage racist, sexist, xenophobic etc organisation it is, fuck you too!
Wow best Musk jab all month: https://youtu.be/LCXdbtlY9WM?si=jGvAECFS5rgPLiq_&t=1821
@foone welcome to the dark side
@shortridge They're even publicly listed
@rc2014 @socketwench My inverter has an offgrid and ongrid circuit. So I run most of my house on the off-grid system. that way, when there's a power outage, my house just works on batteries for a few hours. Probably best to check your inverter manual, since most modern integrated inverters has these. Most people I know keep non-essential things like their hot water and ovens on the on-grid circuit.
Out of all the problems I could ever foresee for myself, I never thought I'd have to deal with this cripling amount of browser tabs. I can't just close them all because there's really important stuff in there, but I'm trying to close at least 20 per day.
@GossiTheDog "Taking care of our shareholders" <- does that help to clear it up?
@abolitionkelly wow the shameless nerve.
This if from six years ago, Finkelstein on Israel on Democracy Now: https://youtu.be/mZGPZRkqJzY?si=LGt0ILyUk-HY8dp1
@LALegault Maybe he just wants to make sure that Medicare stays defeated?
@aral Where's all this neoliberalism everyone is talking about?
@mjg59 Well screw them it's my computer I will make it do whatever I damn please.
@historyofpunkrock wasn't born yet but caught the 2nd wave of bands that were all influenced by these, I definitely need to brush up on all the originals!
@LALegault Sadly, yes.
@waldi That, at least, seems to work on EFI systems for Windows 11 media now