highvoltage |

โ˜ฎ๏ธ Secular humanist โ˜€๏ธ Solarpunk ๐Ÿ‘ฆ Free Software Geek ๐Ÿฅ Debian Developer
๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Cape Town ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿผ Pope ๐Ÿค” INTJ โšก Resistance is not futile ๐Ÿ”Œ Survival is insufficient

@ParadeGrotesque You left out all the bombs that are killing innocent children

And for those who want to ask why because you can't tell what a total garbage racist, sexist, xenophobic etc organisation it is, fuck you too!

My sincere apologies, I've been really busy recently so this post is way overdue.


DebConf24 is coming close to an end, but it's been really good and my energy for working on Debian stuff has been topped up once again! #debian #debconf

@foone welcome to the dark side

@shortridge They're even publicly listed

@xjuan @GTK @gnome I hope to get it into Debian during DebCamp, so looking forward to seeing the talk video!

@rc2014 @socketwench My inverter has an offgrid and ongrid circuit. So I run most of my house on the off-grid system. that way, when there's a power outage, my house just works on batteries for a few hours. Probably best to check your inverter manual, since most modern integrated inverters has these. Most people I know keep non-essential things like their hot water and ovens on the on-grid circuit.

Out of all the problems I could ever foresee for myself, I never thought I'd have to deal with this cripling amount of browser tabs. I can't just close them all because there's really important stuff in there, but I'm trying to close at least 20 per day.

@GossiTheDog "Taking care of our shareholders" <- does that help to clear it up?

@abolitionkelly wow the shameless nerve.

This if from six years ago, Finkelstein on Israel on Democracy Now:

@LALegault Maybe he just wants to make sure that Medicare stays defeated?

@aral Where's all this neoliberalism everyone is talking about?

@mjg59 Well screw them it's my computer I will make it do whatever I damn please.

@historyofpunkrock wasn't born yet but caught the 2nd wave of bands that were all influenced by these, I definitely need to brush up on all the originals!

@LALegault Sadly, yes.

@waldi That, at least, seems to work on EFI systems for Windows 11 media now
