@splendorr not me, I take every possible opportunity to make those kind of people uncomfortable, and I encourage others to do the same
@rrix Oooh!
@deane Isn't it quite common to put sqlite DBs in all kinds of interesting places?
@eugenialoli I've never used it myself, but hear so many good things about it from people who have jumped over to using it from commercial offerings. Good job to all involved!
@mitch I saw earlier this week that they're playing shows in South Africa next year... I didn't realise they're still around!
@LALegault Still better than a maga hat.
After all this time on the Fediverse, I finally had a reason to use the Mute button. I can see what the hype is about, it actually feels good to use it.
@juliank Yep, when Ukraine were made to give up their nuclear weapons programme they were told that they would have the full force of the US and their allies behind them if Russia were ever to attack in any way... instead they're being used to make politicians and their buddies rich while Ukraine is slowly being wiped out completely.
@praveen Plagiarism is a massive problem. Big corporations are using massive amounts of public data and processing it and presenting it as something that their LLMs have generated, but in fact it's a fancy form of autocomplete of other people's work.
The 'Woke Agenda' is actually just Human Rights. Every time someone says 'woke agenda', mentally substitute 'human rights' and the conversation will become clearer.
@LucasWerkmeister I played Civ6 for the first time last month, and just saw that a friend is playing it too, suddenly feels like everyone is playing it :)
@luckytran I remember back when I was only 10 years old and disagreeing with adults and they told me "Your views will change as you get older". They're right that it changed, but only more towards the humanist/libertarian side, not away from it.
@Quinnypig TIL Dropbox is still a thing
@lanodan It's a pretty decent list, although I'd rank most of them above lynx since I *think* it's the only one among them that is completely unaware of css.
It's just amazing how unhinged people are. All of them. perhaps I should let loose a bit too. I wonder what that would even mean? I'm not sure I know how to be crazy. Or maybe I'm crazy and just don't know it. Maybe I should jump into a bathtub filled with cheese puffs. This requires some additional thought.
@LALegault Do you have a moment to hear about the good news about Cheesus Crust?