Jonathan Dowland |

Principal Software Engineer on #OpenJDK #RedHat. #Debian developer (dormant). Computer Science PhD student. Amateur Computing historian (Computer Science and H/W, esp. Commodore Amiga). Guerilla archivist.

@srtcd424 @benc I’m not sure if my blank-page skills have atrophied or stayed static whilst my edit/review skills have been honed

@csteacher @jwildeboer now I’m wondering what the point would be of a set of disparate instances all caching Fediverse data in separate S3 buckets. Alternatively don’t cache at all?

My starting point for mail filters is still to fork dsafilter which I wrote 16 years ago and still run

@yarnofmoo I think sieve is too safe (makes sense for proper deployments) and prevents me from shelling out but ICBW

@srtcd424 @benc review/fix/improve/“make work” is an utterly distinct mode of thought from “create from scratch”, yes. I agree for the latter it’s crucial to avoid self-censoring (which means slipping into the former mode, and out of the latter one)

I’m writing a crude script to parse out “item” and “amount” from Amazon order mails and stuff them in a CSV

@srtcd424 this could be just the thing. Thanks!

Writing a procmail recipe and it’s 2022 and I’m sure there are better options today

Which set of Nintendo switch joy-cons should I keep: white (as comes with the OLED model) or pink/green?

@badambassador @tnhh @thebeeks I've just tried to find where I got that and I can't, so I might be spreading misinformation, sorry!

@neil @thebeeks I hate CD ripping, mostly because it’s very hard to PROVE the rip was correct (accuraterip support lacking in F/OSS rippers/software on Linux). I don’t have a CD drive permanently in any of my working machines any more. But I do have a loft full of discs to decide what to do with (all ripped, mostly a long time ago and sub optimally)

@badambassador @tnhh @thebeeks that’s true. Although I’ve seen/heard of upscaled music on qobuz, so there’s that to worry about

@hugofirth vim by long habit. But I think if I took the time to learn an IDE it would probably be worth it

@hugofirth as an elaboration, I haven’t used any current IDE either!

Confession: I’ve never used VS Code.

@stylus 0) maybe none? We’ll see! 1) sure 2) honestly no idea

@revk @LauraKT is there an audit log for instance blocks? Either by the blocker or independent?
