Jonathan Dowland |

Principal Software Engineer on #OpenJDK #RedHat. #Debian developer (dormant). Computer Science PhD student. Amateur Computing historian (Computer Science and H/W, esp. Commodore Amiga). Guerilla archivist.

What's the story about "Nicole" then, I'm out of the loop

Now I’ve settled on a font, today I absolutely won’t be tweaking the glossary-link styling. No, I’ll be writing instead.

@pwaring palatino worked out very nice. Thanks!

@pwaring I think I'll give Palatino a try (in my next yak shave interval. I need to get back to writing :))

@Conan_Kudo @neil Argh it's clearly quite a personal thing. Also whether it's going to be printed or not. (This will, but nobody will be reading it printed). I might try some different serif fonts. I prefer *that* sans font, but I think serif might be a better choice for the final document.

Thanks both for your feedback!

@pwaring entertaining, thank you :) we have a couple of similar classes that circulate amongst students in NCL.

@pwaring that shouldn't be times new roman… it should be "latin modern roman"

Exhibits A & B
sample thesis page in serif sample thesis page in sans-serif

Real talk: serif or sans-serif font for a thesis?

@metacosm distributed stream processing with purely functional programming

About 3 weeks to my thesis deadline. Head down, but light at the end of the tunnel

This object was just passing over Brno (21:00-21:03 CET) from NWW to SEE. It started as a small butterfly from light - I thought about some kind of halo around a bright star. But it was moving in satellite speed, and the halo was rotating and growing. Photos are bad because it is from phone.

@mirek I just saw something really similar! 55°N, UK. my photos much worse. I’ve been told it’s jettisoned rocket fuel

@algernon congratulations. I need to catch up on your work and put mitigations in on my VPS at some point. A little niche media wiki instance is now shifting 3GiB/day

New bot! @vintage_lego posts a random page of LEGO assembly instructions, once a day at 10:30am PST, from an archive of over 1500 sets spanning 1958-2010. Follow if you were ages 4-99 any time during that period. 😀

The plural of regex is regrets 😂

@ifixcoinops there’s probably a secret group of folks hoarding the last working sandisk Sansa fuzes. Absolutely wonderful little machines.

@cstross @IngaLovinde @ifixcoinops I’ve got one of those. Easy hack to use sd cards, supported by rock box. Bright, colourful aftermarket facias If that’s your thing. Really nice to use
