Jonathan Dowland |

Principal Software Engineer on #OpenJDK #RedHat. #Debian developer (dormant). Computer Science PhD student. Amateur Computing historian (Computer Science and H/W, esp. Commodore Amiga). Guerilla archivist.

In today’s “terminology matters”:

❌ Return To Office policy: middle-management language that assumes “office” is a neutral position, we’re somehow “returning to”. This term has been carefully crafted by corporate strategists to sound as palatable as possible.

✅ Mandatory Commute policy: centers the outcome for workers - spending hours each day on an unpaid commute to and from the office just so we can be on video calls all day.

We don’t just have to accept hostile framing.

One of the advantages of the downfall of the United States will be eradicating the mm/dd/yyyy date format

@Nux neither have I: so long ago that i thought it was still a job for awstats! I’m curious to see how much bandwidth crawlers are wasting. Seems about 400MiB/day for me

Thank you for all the goaccess recommendations!

What’s recommended for local web log statistics these days?

“I dug deep and found the most advanced VHS archiving project around: VHS-Decode. The short version is you solder wires into a VCR to extract as close to the raw tape signal as possible. From there, you are doing the decoding of the image in software. If you wanna see what a freakishly clean encode upscaled to 4K looks like on a tape from 1987 of The Cure on the BBC, check this shit out.

From there, I would just compulsively buy stuff that had no good encode.”

Still using OpenOffice? It has unfixed security issues over a year old: – So all users are strongly recommended to update to one of the actively maintained successor projects, like LibreOffice. (Please share and help raise awareness about this!)

really enjoyed “The Gorge” soundtrack #music

Canadian colleague pointed me at "Cream of Earl Grey" tea. I'm intrigued

It’s remarkably awkard to find centos stream containers. I wonder if anyone is using them

@jwildeboer I’m very fond of the kobo libra

TIL: there’s no /dev/stderr (or /proc/self/fd/2) in the execution context of a systemd unit.

Amazon is removing the ability to download purchased Kindle content, which is the only way to read it on my Kobo or elsewhere. What this means is I will no longer be purchasing (“a license to”–ick) any books by the mostly independent authors who exclusively publish there; just cancelled preorders.

Starting February 26, 2025, the "Download & Transfer via USB" option will no longer be available. You can still send Kindle books to your Wi-Fi enabled devices by selecting the "Deliver or Remove from Device" option. Learn more about managing downloads

@jmtd, I use a fork of something called rssgen.
You can specify CSS selectors to find blocks for each feeds item, and then you can use Go templates to format them more appropriately. For dates, you can also specify a regex to match the HTML element against (sometimes the date is not in a separate element, so you need to filter it out) and a search and replace map in case the website uses month names in multiple languages.

@algernon I think oracle offer a free tier which includes arm64

@dwm I’d be happy to mentor if you choose to do that

Do a bad job for the Fascists.

A post by laxsara:
the meaning of life is summed up in the story elmer
bendiner tells about how when he was a pilot the
second world war, his plane was hit with a barrage of
anti-aircraft fire from the nazi forces but the crew
survived. and how everyone was saying it was a
miracle until they investigated the shells that got in
the fuselage and found there was no explosive
charges in any of them. in one they found a note
scribbled in czech, written by the person who had
been forced to manufacture the shells, and it just
said 'this is all we can do for you now.

every time i see someone acting tough online about
how harm reduction is pointless and in some
convoluted way worse than doing nothing i think
about that person in some soul-destroying nazi
factory in occupied czechoslovakia removing all of
the explosive charges from their anti-aircraft shells
and writing a note that they must have known would
probably never be read, just to say 'this is all we can
do for you, and we're going to do it. they are trying
to make us kill you and we refuse. i do think that
maybe it's all going to be okay.
8,235 notes
