What's new in the Red Hat UBI OpenJDK containers (Red Hat Developer) https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2023/07/19/whats-new-red-hat-ubi-openjdk-containers #containers #redhat #openjdk
New blog post: Bea's 3D printer https://jmtd.net/log/bea_printer/ #3dprinting
@stefan she's actually a little disappointed that her printer won't print!
By youngest requested that I 3d-print her a 3d printer #3dprinting
@csepp looks really interesting! Wish it had an atom feed
@stevelord you probably know this already, but, your blog rss (sub stack?) has gone weird (I think, or my reader has gone wrong). Shows “this is Jen’s sub stack”
Just noticed that Firefox on iOS now has sponsored links interleaved in my bookmarks on the front page. That’s only mildly annoying. It *seems* that I had to wait for some network round trips to resolve their icons, titles etc *before the uri I typed would begin to load*. If that’s right, imho it’s egregious.
New blog post: containers as first-class network citizens https://jmtd.net/log/podman_network/ #containers #computing
John Goerzen: Recommendations for Tools for Backing Up and Archiving to Removable Media
@jwildeboer @kfury same. I have used a screen protector consistently for the last ten years which might have helped. Although the screens prior to that were, in theory, more fragile?
Twice (so far) this evening Firefox on One computer has reset my theme preference. This (and the frequency of such things happening) fills me with sadness.
This morning's sound track is this pleasant drone album
@stevelord as much as I love those tools (well not so much tex) they are damned heavyweight on disk!
I’m thinking about a creative writing project. Can anyone recommmend me a suitable Fediverse/mastodon host to write “in character”?
@fabinou hello Fab 🌊 welcome to the Fediverse