werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

Departing on an #ICE train from Nuremberg to Frankfurt with only 10 mins delay ? You'd think it not possible.
#DB #Bahn

cw: DB rant
* privatisiert.
Keine ahnung warum es doppelt postete.

cw: DB rant
Warum zun Henker ist die ICE-Strecke Frankfurt-Nürnberg nie pünktlich ? Das nervt echt, jedesmal mindestens 30 min Verspätung (oder mehr).
Danke an 16 Jahre #Merkel für ein total marodes und überlastetes Schienennetz. Die #Bahn hätte nie pricatisiert werden dürfen.

#DB #Bahn

cw: DB rant
Warum zun Henker ist die ICE-Strecke Frankfurt-Nürnberg nie pünktlich ? Das nervt echt, jedesmal mindestens 30 min Verspätung (oder mehr).
Danke an 16 Jahre #Merkel für ein total marodes und überlastetes Schienennetz. Die #Bahn hätte nie pricatisiert werden dürfen.

#DB #Bahn

@decathorpe @brainblasted @sophie tbf right now it's built without support for jxl (since that's not stable yet), svg (since we need to enable it from the librsvg source) and without support for exr since that needs some for crates packaged for image. We'll add a notice though so users will know what's up.

Finally got #glycin-loaders, needed for #GNOME's new image viewer #Loupe (written by @sophie and @brainblasted ) to build for #debian. Now to finish the packaging ...

#Debian #Linux #Rust

@julianfairfax @awai @schmiddionmobile @devrtz @agx @purism @tbernard pipeline needs all crates under tubefeeder-extractor packaged. that's 8 crates, definitly doable. They need to be published first, too. Flare is a whole different beast. It uses a lot of signal- crates that aren't on anyway. I poked upstream (signal-api?) about it some time ago but they were reluctant to do so.

@jon @haayman @plankje55 Interrail is great if you need flexibility. This summer I went from Germany to Lisbon by train. When I had to suddenly change plans I could just cancel reservations and get new ones (you're even more flexible if you take only regional trains)

@devrtz you could poke the Railway maintainer to publish hafas-rs on, that's the last missing piece if someone wanted to package that.

@decathorpe @alexanderkjall if 0.17 gets released that'd be awesome, iirc it fixes mips at least

mention of transphobia
Given the recent #Hyprland drama and the fact that the main dev seems like a huge transphobic idiot I'll gladly ditch it in favour of #SwayFX . I do like my rounded borders, but #Hyprland and its community seems like a toxic cesspool of "gamer males". Glad that #SwayFX fills in that gap without weird persons attached.

cw: depol, fascism
@karolherbst @ljrk
It's still wild how "normal" this was like five years ago. Around that time I first became politically interested/active. Cut to now: Election campaigns being accompanied by right-wing idiots actively disturbing the democratic process therein, and people willingly supporting them. There always used to be a fascist percentage here, but it became way more. This is truly the worst timeline.

cw: depol, fascism
@ljrk @karolherbst yeah. imo if you're apolitical in these times you might as well be a supporter of fascists.

depol, fascism
@karolherbst @ljrk
It's a really bleak future we're getting into. The only things we can do against are actively participating, be it in unions, political parties other than CDU and AfD and attend demonstrations. Like "Die Ärzte" texted on-point in "Deine Schuld": " Geh mal wieder auf die Straße, geh mal wieder demonstriern" (Go out on the streets again, go protesting again)

@tazgetroete mangelnde bildung, fehlende Infrastruktur und Bayern in Reinstform.

Quelle: komme von da

@puniko @alice kinda sus ngl

Wentbfor a short #hike today, taking my mind off of things
The sun shining through a tress in a forest A tree on a mountainside. A scenic view from the mountaintop.
