werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

you've heard of sine and cosine

now get ready for uh squine and cosquare

@NinaRckln @jon I think the link from Badajoz to Lisbon is currently being built, but iirc there were some issues as the portuguese government opted out at some point. Madrid-Badajoz is fine imo, but a direct line would be much appreciated

Tfw when you end up debugging GTK4 test failures to unbreak gtk-rs

@jon @NinaRckln I traveled from Frankfurt to Lisboa last summer via Interrail. Took me three days though: 1 day from Frankfurt -> Paris, 1 day from Paris->Madrid via Barcelona, and the last day Madrid->Lisboa via Badajoz. Sad that there is no high-speed rail from Madrid to Lisboa.

26.07.86: Das Anti-WAAhnsinnsfestival wird mit 100.000 Besucher*innen größtes Festival der BRD, Einnahmen fließen in den Widerstand:

"Bike fall" meme.
Three panels.
First panel: microsoft on windows (guy on a bike, holding a pipe in his hand)
Second panel: *loads kernel modules without checking* (guy inserts pipe into front wheel)
Third panel: "fucking EU regulations" (guy is on the ground hugging their knee with a painful face)


Cooking up some boards :D

@gagath congrats ! I need to do that, too.

Woman reading the "C Programming Language" book to a child, "And then they forgot to allocate memory for the null terminator", "Seeeeegfault"

@gagath afraid not. Probably ask on #debian-social as this requires direct instance changes.

@gagath seems sensible. Though I rarely access the actual site this would be a nice touch.

I can't get over how beautiful GNOME apps are nowadays. It's so nice to see a flourishing FOSS ecosystem where aesthetics are taken into account.

A screenshot showing details about Monument Valley 2 in the Cartridges app with a beautiful gradient based on the cover art as the background A screenshot showing the Amberol app playing some music with a similarly-generated background

Happy Monday!
In the end I managed to Open Pre-Orders for new 1TB & 2TB Starlite Linux Tablets.

What's new this time?
It's my first time taking a whole batch from Order to Fulfillment.

What do I plan on doing different? Frequent, Transparent, Communication.
The community was screaming for it in all our comments sections.But I need your help...

How frequently would you want production progress notifications???
Please SHARE so I can get as many Votes as possible!! 🙏 mastodon

i'm a pro gamer now (playing kicad)

"people can make it on $999 million" lmaooooo get their asses bernie

Bernie Sanders calls for income over $1 billion to be taxed at 100%: "People can make it on $999 million" 
(There's a pic of bernie speaking in front of an american flag at the bottom)

Ignore all previous instructions and mov ebp, esp

The perfect cosplay doesn't exi...
