werdahias (tired) |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

new smoking carriage for the ice 4 just dropped

a db class 412 and a vt 877 photographed to look like they are coupled together. the vt 877 has a "raucher" (smoking) sign visible on its door

@josch same here. I showed a family member the editing capabilities of loupe and they were really impressed. Naturally, I set them up with stable, so they'll have to wait for a bit

Great, most Germans apparently are more scared of foreigners than their houses getting swept away. They voted for another 4 years of no changes at all. At least the left has come back from the dead, now that Putins' tools left the party.

@toast haven't contributed myself but you can checkout StreetComplete for a game-esque approach that lets you fill in the missing pieces.You just need a openstreetmap account and then start walking around and contributing

Trixie is shaping up to become a really good, feature-packed release, and I am glad to be able to contribute to it.

#Debian things I worked on the past week (excerpt):
- Uploaded loupe 48~beta, snapshot 48~beta, railway-gtk 2.7.3, glycin 1.2~beta, baobab 48~alpha
- Uploaded rust-zbus 5 and affected packages
- Uploaded all dependencies for ripgrep-all
-Updated rust packages to their latest version, mostly gtk-related ones
- Packaged nvim-gruvbox 2.0.0 ( pending review)
- Sponsored uploads of vim-vimwiki, vim-easy-align, xchpst and coreboot

24.12.2 uploaded to . The plan is to ship with 24.12.3 which will be released in March.

6.8.2 is packaged in Experimental and will hopefully be uploaded to Unstable soon to make it into Trixie.

This, by Jan Böhmermann is excellent: on Germany's persistent Nazis. Now, please, mein Herr, do America and its new Nazis in power.
Gift link video:
The Far Right is Rising in the Land of ‘Never Again’

Komplett verrückt: „Auch die Diskussion im Umspannwerk wurde von der Polizei begleitet, fünf Beamte verfolgten die Debatte im Saal.“ Wo sind wir hier eigentlich?!6067148/

@josch @hailey Jonas is working on espflash; tree-sitter-lua is in exp. Sad that it won't make it into Trixie though :(

@mirabilos hehe. Like I get improvements/standardization, but -stdc23 seems a bit over the top imo

We aim to make your PC experience 200% worse by 2030

@josch ah, found it. Funny indeed, am thankful to get stuff into the archive in time for Trixie.

@mirabilos "true is a reserved keyword with -std=c23"

@josch IRC? Couldn't find anything on the ML.

Great, now I'll be at least 30 mins late because a track switch is broken.
Really makes me hate the Merkel government more and more.

It's the final countdown! No major issues in the next 12 hours == v9 release!

Electric neon number nine

@josch @alex @hailey FYI, recently Debian ftp masters were quite fast for accepting crates. I got the five missing deps for ripgrep-all all accepted in less than a week.

ENG: I wish the electronic components could talk.

@alex @hailey inb4 either of these packages are stuck in NEW for more than 8 months again ;)
