- Uploaded loupe 48~beta, snapshot 48~beta, railway-gtk 2.7.3, glycin 1.2~beta, baobab 48~alpha
- Uploaded rust-zbus 5 and affected packages
- Uploaded all dependencies for ripgrep-all
-Updated rust packages to their latest version, mostly gtk-related ones
- Packaged nvim-gruvbox 2.0.0 ( pending review)
- Sponsored uploads of vim-vimwiki, vim-easy-align, xchpst and coreboot
#KDEPIM 24.12.2 uploaded to #DebianUnstable. The plan is to ship #Trixie with 24.12.3 which will be released in March.
#Qt 6.8.2 is packaged in #Debian Experimental and will hopefully be uploaded to Unstable soon to make it into Trixie.
This, by Jan Böhmermann is excellent: on Germany's persistent Nazis. Now, please, mein Herr, do America and its new Nazis in power.
Gift link video:
The Far Right is Rising in the Land of ‘Never Again’
Komplett verrückt: „Auch die Diskussion im Umspannwerk wurde von der Polizei begleitet, fünf Beamte verfolgten die Debatte im Saal.“ Wo sind wir hier eigentlich?!6067148/
Really makes me hate the Merkel government more and more.