werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

tmw compiling glycin-loaders takes up 12% of your RAM

Also, if your want a free speedtest cli tool, now you can use the LibreSpeed CLI from #Debian unstable/testing. It uses LibreSpeeds servers which run free software themselves.

@josch @joeyh chaotic good

Jus got the librsvg crate accepted into #Debian. Now #Rust applications depending on that like tiny-dfr can be made available.

MPH I guess
I bought a safety razor on a whim, and tried it out. It's so awesome, I'm never switching back to regular multi-blade ones. At first I was afraid of cutting myself but that didn't happen. The only issue I had was the need for more shaving cream. This is really great, no more plastic waste and buying new blades / throwaway razors every once in a while.

Today complex impendance with AC finally clicked for me. It's really logical now.

new blogpost! i hacked a Brother labelmaker.. or was it a Brother? (it’s complicated. what matters is that we have RCE!)

read it here:

one of the original winnie the pooh sketches. pooh is looking at a label printer. it's labeled in a monospace font: Oh, Bother... you fell so low

🧵 Biggest threats to FOSS and some proposed solutions

@jon @IIVQ recently read an article that the Czech government will build their own tracks to the border now (from Domazlice), while nothing happens on the German side

@weepingclown I know the feeling, just stranded at Frankfurt central station because my train was delayed *again*. Now I'll be home by midnight *sigh

After a too short weekend I'm heading home again. Here's to hoping I'll arrive somewhat punctual
The setting sun over a field photographed from a train window

@rcr thanks :)

@HankB tbh mostly rust, but also contributions to a few other teams

@iamreinder @mntmn agreed, also running sway with GTK4/libadwaita apps mostly since they look just very polished.

@alice sus

@maximemelian @wakame Systemd/Linux or as I started calling it, Systemd + Linux, ...

Today I became an official #Debian Developer. I am humbled and honored to be a full member of the #Debian project. For the future I hope I'll be able to continue providing free software to all users at a high quality, thereby making the world a bit of a better place. I'm especially grateful to the #Debian community who encouraged and mentored me along the way.

@brainblasted I never stopped buying and ripping CDs and have 30GB of mp3s which I shuffle with kew / lollypop. Depending on my mood I play artists/ single albums.

Status: Zugbindung aufgehoben
Ja mei, dann hoid a Alternativzug

Did some small #Rust QA work in #Debian the past two weeks: packaged one new crate needed to unbreak event-listener; patched 4 others so two obsolete crates can be removed from the archive.
