werdahias (tired) |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

I have cancelled all but one of my streaming video subscriptions in an effort to save money. I wanted to watch a certain movie but didn’t have a physical or digital copy, and didn’t want to purchase it. Suddenly, I remembered that libraries exist. Today I walked to the library and checked out a few movies on Blu-ray and DVD. For free. I feel strangely powerful. Support - and use - your local library.

DB Beförderungsbedingungen Philosophie, heute:
2.5.1 Die Geltungsdauer einer Fahrkarte ergibt sich grundsätzlich aus dieser selbst.

:boosts_ok_gay: immigration, uspol mention, looking for advice!

#Debian stuff I did the last two weeks:
Got Fragments and Warp accepted into the archive. Finished packaging swayosd and shortwave and uploaded it to NEW. Did a rust-heapless transition (0.7 to 0.8); likewise for rust-image (0.24 to 0.25). Almost finished the glycin-loaders update.

In semiconductors, "electrons are real, holes are not?" People have been fooled by textbook writers who start using the term "electron" without defining it first as, "an abstract quasi-particle in condensed-matter physics for modeling the collective behaviors of many particles, not to be confused with an electron in particle physics."

At 14, he helped create RSS.
At 16, he contributed to Creative Commons.
At 17, he co-created Markdown.
At 18, he co-founded Reddit.

The web would be different if he were alive.

@grillchen wanted do buy clothing from there but all sold out :/

„Das tritt nach meiner Kenntnis... ist das sofort, unverzüglich“: Heute vor 35 Jahren, 1989, fällt nach einer etwas konfusen Pressekonferenz von Günter Schabowski die Berliner Mauer. Genau 93 Minuten nach dieser Aussage passieren die ersten DDR-Bürger die Grenze.

Pressekonferenz mit Günter Schabowski am 9. November 1989, im Vordergrund viele Kameras

@leyrer migration in die google cloud <-> datenschutz
Java, Cocol, MS SQL Server...

@overflo wer kennts nicht

„Wird der Bürger unbequem, nennt der Staat ihn linksextrem."

- german proverb

bei all den gedenktagen heute nicht die Märzrevolution vergessen

Haddock Meme.
Haddock: What a week. huh?
Marx: Comrade, it's capitalism

what I did today for :

- updated gtk4-rs ( bindings for ) to version 0.9.3
- updated gstreamer-rs (Rust bindings for ) to version 0.23.3
- updated gst-plugins-rs (GTK4 and reqwest plugins) to version 0.13.3
- approved package review for Papers

No time for rust2rpm refactoring work today sadness but I did some dogfooding of the latest snapshot when preparing today's crate updates - found a small bug, and some new test cases rocinante

Repost this if Trans people are welcome and safe with you

Alle 10 Minuten verliebt sich ein deutscher Politiker in eine Magnetschwebebahn 💕 !

After some more digging it turns out that Intel was lazy. They used a similar camera setup in my device and the Surface device line. However, the voltage to the camera sensor is controlled by a tps68470 IC which can deliver variable voltages. Since the Linux kernel does not know the board (and the correct voltage levels), the camera is without power. Now I need to boot Windows (ugh) and get the correct values from reading the I2C traffic.

listen, I've had my moments, but at least I've never mansplained Margaret Atwood's book to Margaret Atwood

Tweet by Margaret Atwood. It's a cartoon of women dressed like handmaids (red dress and white bonnet) going into a voting booth. On the other side they emerge as regular modern women wearing various kinds of outfits.

A reply guy writes: "the author of that boom used Islam, not Christianity, as a model for her imaginary world. This is obviously true, as it resembles Islamic culture and law, and not Christian."
