werdahias (tired) |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

"Verehrte Fahrgäste, im Bordrestaurant empfehlen wir heute: Zwei Crêpes mit Ketchup, dazu ein Glas Kräuterlimo, für nur 15,98 €."

Todays new Programming Language. German C

Picture with Hello world in German C.

Therapist: German C ist't real, it can't hut you.

German C:
#beinhalte <cstdea>

Ganz Haupt()
  druckef("Hallo Welt.");
  zurück 0;

Etymology is so cool.

The term "microblog" comes from micro + blog, ie small blog.

Then, "blog" is a shortened form of "Web log". And a "log" comes from "log book", which is a book used to record events on a journey.

So get this, the "log" in log book is because you would use the book to record the progress and speed of a ship by using a reel attached to a chip log... So called because it's made of wood... ie a log.

So a microblog is a small record of your journey.

I think that's very poetic that this very post is a direct descendent of mariners from 400 years ago.

Throw your computer into your nearest lake

Ich höre gerade Volker Pispers von 2007 und 2014. Ich möchte behaupten: es hat sich rein gar nichts geändert in den letzten Jahrzehnten (außer, daß wieder salonfähiger werden). Der könnte echt das gleiche Programm nur mit anderen Namen weiter machen.

Aber es ist "schön", wieder an ADAC-Skandale, Edathy, Medienversagen, GruSi (bedarfsorientierte Grundsicherung), Janukowytsch, Goldkettchen-Gerd, usw. usf. erinnert zu werden. Fast sentimental. Schade, daß Menschen nicht lernen.

master: welcome to my Smart Home

student: wow. how is the light controlled?

master: with this on-off switch

student: i don't see a motor to close the blinds

master: there is none

student: where is the server located?

master: it is not needed

student: excuse me but what is "Smart" about all of this?

master: everything.

in this moment, the student was enlightened

i joined verdi (one of the big unions in germany) (eventhough i don't really agree with them politically on many levels, they do some important stuff and there aren't many other options) and now I'm finding out they offer a lot of useful services to members that i didn't really know about before.

For example they have consulting on doing your taxes or on dealing with landlords, and help you with your communications with Jobcenter/Arbeitsagentur when you're unemployed.

I said "huh they really should advertize this stuff more" and then ellie told me that i should post about it so maybe others who don't know about this stuff can be helped by it so here we are

join a union, they're useful and good for you, and if you don't need the services then your money helps to provide them for those who do!

pickup line
are you openrc?
because i wanna start every day with you

cw pol at de habek rede bundetag

Welche PolitikerInnen würde in AT so eine Rede halten (können)?

Wir müsssen die Kupferkabel optimieren 🤡 🥰

@aspensmonster @sophie yes, it replaced EoG as the default with GNOME 45 (iirc).

Today I got the following packages accepted into #Debian:

- tex-fmt, a fast formatter for TeX files
- prs, a pass(1) compatible password store written in Rust
- shortwave, a GTK app to listen to internet radio streams
- vim-minimap, a vim plugin to render the buffers' source code as dots

I am glad to announce that #Loupe 48.beta, the default #GNOME image viewer, is available in #Debian now. After a month of working on package updates I am finally done.This release ships with basic image editing like flipping and cropping. The upcoming #Debian Trixie release will have with this functionality, too. Really big thanks to @sophie for implementing this !
A image from Canada's west coast being opened in Loupe 48.beta on Debian, showing the image editing capabilities.

Wer Freiheit sagt, muss vorher Einigkeit und Recht sagen!

Distracting myself from the current state of the world by watching an ARTE documentary about Norse mythology.

The Coast Mountains of British Columbia are one hell of a special place!

Looking out from a ride towards a glacial lake and jagged mountains. The light is dappled on the lake and fog partially obscures the peaks.

Wow, sehr gute (und erschreckende) ZMR-Show heute.

Jaja, ich weiß schon. Ihr findet blinkende LEDs cool. Aber wisst ihr was richtig cool ist? Echte Neon-Schilder. Ich habe jetzt Internet in der Küche!

Eine Neon-Leuchtreklame mit dem Titel "Internet".

Wahlplakte, angemessene Beleidigung
@fabos oh no, der söder

...for you are the last one.

Mage visits the ruins of the Museum of the Open Technology and stops by the 'History of UNIX' section where stands a statue of a fish.
