Wouter Verhelst |

Debian Developer. husband. FOSDEM organizer. Tennis lover. Amateur musician.

If it ain't fun, you're not doing it right.

Will the agreement on data transfers to the USA be overturned?

After Donald Trump dismissed members of the data protection supervisory authority PCLOB, noyb is once again sawing away at the EU-US data protection agreement.

Wij hebben een logeerkamer ja... Je bent zeker welkom!

Beter dan in België 😉 als het hier 10° is dan is het verschrikkelijk koud...

This is *insane*.

I tried it on my 'random replies to what I found in my referer logs' blog post from way back when, which contains a crap load of random junk, including one recipe for waffles.

It got it out perfectly.

I use cut and sort all the time, join I used exactly once in 20+ years of being in computers...

Correctie: 28° gisteren 🙂

Je mag wat van onze 27° hebben 😉

I mean, personally, I'm happy with people sitting there holding placards or some such.

Trying to block a scheduled talk from happening? Not so much.
@opensuse @piyuv

Silent majority and all that 🤷
@chebra @fosdem

There are different amounts of disruption though. This sounded like they were going to try to drown out the talk, even for people who were interested in what was going to be said, which, speaking only for myself, would be crossing the line.
@mattcen @fosdem

The programme team (that decides what gets on the schedule) wasn't even aware they were a sponsor (who communicate with a different team) until this shitstorm, so yes, that's absolutely what happened.

You may not like the talk, but that's a different matter.

Statement on planned protests during the upcoming FOSDEM 2025

I do too, although I don't do more than a few posts a year these days.

Most recent one explaining how to do a JSON-based extensible DSL with perl and Moose.
@lkanies @sortova
