Wouter Verhelst |

Debian Developer. husband. FOSDEM organizer. Tennis lover. Amateur musician.

If it ain't fun, you're not doing it right.

@zhenech actually, I'll happily join you. 🔥🐍🔥

Dat heet "sluikstorten" en je kan daar klacht voor neerleggen? Leuke aan auto's is dat ze een heel duidelijke nummer erop hebben die de politie kan gebruiken voor dat soort dingen...

@mirabilos no, I've learned the only way to use inkscape safely is to memorize the 'save' keyboard shortcut and to hit that after *every* operation.

Don't forget the more curl after that!

#curl #sourcegraph #podcast

A picture with a superscription: "How to offend four groups of geeks with one photo"

Below that, a picture of Patrick Stewart, with a byline saying:

"Use the Force, Harry"

With that line attributed to "Gandalf"

250 day language steak on Duolingo!

A photo of uluru (the mountain in Australia), followed by an equals sign, followed by a Rubik's cube after the transformation uluru was applied from the solved position

And the 🏆 for the first talk to appear on goes to... Noel De Martin, in H.1301, with a talk titled "From Zero to Hero with Solid"

@killyourfm @clacke @mrchrisadams yes. It would use mojolicious...

Bit of a rough ride this morning with video recordings, so any FOSDEM talks that happened before about 13:00 are on hold for video review today.

All other speakers, remember to check your mailbox for talk review requests. The sooner you review, the sooner we release your video!

Cc @fosdem

@clacke @RyunoKi @killyourfm @mrchrisadams

It's been on my low priority todo list to write something that will send out peertube-compliant activitypub messages for existing video without requiring a full peertube instance.

Then we can just run it next to and be done with it...

@RyunoKi @killyourfm @mrchrisadams

Yeah, I gave up on uploading to YouTube now. It's just way too annoying to get their API approval.

@mrchrisadams @killyourfm

According to the database of the video review system:

select sum(endtime - starttime) from talks;

@jpmens @allo owncloud was problematic, partially because the people that ran the business had very strange ideas. This was the reason for the fork.

It's not surprising therefore that nextcloud is much more reliable

@vuurdistel mjah, geen commentaar 😉

@vuurdistel ik moet zeggen, dat is één ding van België dat ik écht niet mis: het klimaat.

@jpmens @alexlehm you have clearly never tried to use MegaCLI.

Cool blog post by Duolingo on how they started animating their characters. I actually ran an extra lesson to see this in action.

And then another one, because the first lesson didn't show any characters 🙄

Unfortunately it appears to not be active yet for my lessons. Soon, I'm sure.

It should! Wouldn't be doom without it.
