Wouter Verhelst |

Debian Developer. husband. FOSDEM organizer. Tennis lover. Amateur musician.

If it ain't fun, you're not doing it right.

Libreoffice desktop can sign with PKCS#11 modules and can talk to timestamp servers if you configure them, which gets you most of the way there.

Of course the hard part of qualified signatures is political rather than technical: you need some certification of the system. But hey.

I have been self-hosting my email since the dawn of time. I have yet to see an email that does not get accepted or gets marked as spam. Yes there are a lot of hoops to jump through, but nothing too complicated.

Why is that?

The if block is part of the context of the else block. You can't (usually) move the else block around without also moving the if block. Cuddling the else between the two brackets makes this more obvious and explicit.

Cuddling elses or not?

Damien Conway's "perl best practices" recommends not to, because it would reduce visibility of the else block.

I vehemently disagree. Having an else block start on a line by itself makes it look like an unrelated statement, when in reality it is a continuation of the if block.

By cuddling your elses, you make it more clear that the block is part of a larger set of other blocks (if/elsif/else), rather than it being a block on its own.

The two are not related, no siree
sarcastic head shake

At the time, code names were used for the directory containing packages rather than version numbers, with the version number being a symlink to the code name. This meant that assigning a version number meant only a symlink needed to be synced to mirrors, rather than a whole directory and its packages.

Today those directories only contain metadata so syncing them doesn't require syncing their packages, but they're still symlinks, not directories.

That might take a while?

See: climate change.

Remove comment, block commenter, move on? Personally, I have little respect for people like that...

Also in extrepo. Not put there by them, though.

I like the art and culture I've been exposed to. I enjoyed my time in Varanasi and in Agra, partially because they are so different from what I've experienced.

But if I'm going to have to endure one more day of government-licensed guides who start talking to us because we're in a car near some random monument, I may lose control and actually start smacking people in the face.


I mean you're not allowed to just browse in a shop. They need to pull out everything, give you tea, and waste an hour of your time on the off chance you might be convinced to buy something, even while you tell them that you have absolutely zero budget and want to be left alone. They won't stop pulling out more crap, even while you're paying if you are actually buying, until you walk out the door.

Who even does that? Indians, apparently 🤷

After eight days of conference and 11 days of trekking around, I've had enough of Indians just being in your face everywhere. I can't deal with it anymore, really.

Thank f**k we're going home tomorrow.

It now has a blurb about 'upgrading' to a static site generator and that it will 'take time' for everything to be up again. Suuuuuure.

And there was much rejoicing. Thank you.

Did a short thing about [extrepo]( at the [DebConf23]( [lightning talks and demos]( slot, which I believe was well received. The video is already [out](!

@marcan @developing_agent fair enough. And I suppose they're also not going to sue if they have a week case and there is no money to grab. You're not a corporation with several millions in the bank.

FreeOTP with the password in a password vault?

There is an rpmlint? #TIL
