Wouter Verhelst |

Debian Developer. husband. FOSDEM organizer. Tennis lover. Amateur musician.

If it ain't fun, you're not doing it right.

Perl. And C, sometimes. C++ is just... *shudders* thanks but no thanks.

There million lines of 'switch off this, do that, perform this hack' etc etc etc ad nauseam, followed by

> The settings changes we've recommended here may not fix everything, but they can at least give you some peace, shoving Microsoft into the background and allowing you to do what you want with your PC without a constant hassle.

This is not enshittification, this is criminal.

One will probably be gone because of the other?

No, it said macOS, which is what apple operating systems have been called since 2016 ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sure it does? Modern Mac mice have multi-touch even.

ISO does just sell their standards. Everyone has access provided they open their wallet. I did that once for one of the DV standards while I was still maintaining dvswitch, although I don't remember what I paid for it.

For ISO 4210-4:2023, e.g., you can go to and pay.

Yes, sometimes the price is prohibitively high though, especially if you need the whole standard on something.

Thanks, fixed

The contact details are at the bottom of that first email, but it's plus a few other options.

Or you can dm me (does the fediverse support that? Not sure...๐Ÿคท)

Thanks for calling my code fancy ๐Ÿ˜‰

We can add an apology note if you like. They look like the second slide on

If you want to go down that route, contact us (contact info in the review invite emails) and we'll get that set up.

Some may say this has already happened. I mean, you get to choose between something superficially resembling a party with reasonable opinions and a bunch of lunatic crazies.

Welcome! Glad to hear the efforts are appreciated ๐Ÿ˜

And yes, I had to spend most of today trying to make everything work smoothly... ๐Ÿ˜ณ

No better database in the world ๐Ÿ™‚ code at ...

Situation is somewhat better now, so if you had a talk at FOSDEM a few hours ago, you're very likely to have an email with a review invitation. Speakers, please check!

Cc @fosdem

What happens if you forget to configure a time zone?

Jobs run incorrectly, and then you have to run them again... And then you get this.

picture of a screen showing 32 jobs running concurrently on 4 different nodes, with many more jobs waiting to be started

Baseball players
- play with wood and balls all the time
- have gotten to fourth base with their team mates more than anyone else in the world.

Feels very audiophile...

Still don't understand why people send out 'I will redesign your website for you' spam to small open source projects or people running their own handcrafted website.

Like, read your audience?

Me, angry? Not even close ๐Ÿ˜‰

Obviously there's a limit to how far you can go with this, but then I'm not advocating a model that does not even partially map onto the way things really are.

Git's data model is awesome and great and can let you do massively impressive things, but I just want to write code, you know? And I'll fall back on it when my simple model doesn't work, but for day to day things? Nah, thanks.

And that's fine.

What I'm saying is that I find it much easier to just Get Stuff Done if I use a mental model that is closer to how I work than it is to the actual implementation of things.

You seem to prefer the opposite.

None of this makes either you or me wrong, it just means we're different ๐Ÿคท
