Wouter Verhelst |

Debian Developer. husband. FOSDEM organizer. Tennis lover. Amateur musician.

If it ain't fun, you're not doing it right.

I use cut and sort all the time, join I used exactly once in 20+ years of being in computers...

Correctie: 28ยฐ gisteren ๐Ÿ™‚

Je mag wat van onze 27ยฐ hebben ๐Ÿ˜‰

I mean, personally, I'm happy with people sitting there holding placards or some such.

Trying to block a scheduled talk from happening? Not so much.
@opensuse @piyuv

Silent majority and all that ๐Ÿคท
@chebra @fosdem

There are different amounts of disruption though. This sounded like they were going to try to drown out the talk, even for people who were interested in what was going to be said, which, speaking only for myself, would be crossing the line.
@mattcen @fosdem

The programme team (that decides what gets on the schedule) wasn't even aware they were a sponsor (who communicate with a different team) until this shitstorm, so yes, that's absolutely what happened.

You may not like the talk, but that's a different matter.

I do too, although I don't do more than a few posts a year these days.

Most recent one explaining how to do a JSON-based extensible DSL with perl and Moose.
@lkanies @sortova

We are heading towards completion of another milestone ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Thanks to @VishnuSanal, #Prav is on Google Play Store now. It requires a 2-week testing period before being open to public downloads. Right now, only authorized testers can test it.

If you are interested in testing, please share your Gmail address with us.

On the other hand, the app is free to download from #Fdroid. Please remember that the service is still in public beta.

Stay tuned!

#XMPP #privacy #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

Screenshot of Prav app on Google Play Store

Yes, just as childish indeed, that was my point ๐Ÿ˜‰

In households with children who need to be encouraged to eat vegetables?

Compare 'groenten' vs 'groentjes'.


Wondering what the thought is behind such a silly requirement. What do companies think they are weeding out by discriminating against people without driver's licences?


Is it you, or someone close to you?

All the best at any rate.

The WAL can be switched off though...
@roguefoam @rl_dane @orbitalmartian @amin @cloud_manul

Yay, a survivor!

I mean, they would love it, though the trainers might have a pretty hard time...

Dog cricket:

Normal cricket rules, but all the fielders are dogs

You're welcome ๐Ÿ˜‰
@simontatham @can @anticomposite
