Reintroduction time.

Over the past five years I've been floating in and out of Mastodon, trying out several different servers in the process. One of of the main reasons I kept coming back was the quality of conversations around open source software, which is how I ended up on Fosstodon about a year ago.

With the new influx though, I might want to spend more time on other things like history and political economy. That's why I've decided to return to my old account here on

Some things I might post about:

- Economic history and political economy ( )
- Classical Chinese philosophy and my struggle with the Chinese language in general ( )
- Open source software and my self-inflicted struggles with Linux-on-Mobile ( )
- Other stuff, probably

@brecht Hey! Welcome back. Ive stayed on fedi cause of the amazing foss projects Ive discovered on it. The influx of new users is exciting and I hope to see alot more humanities content on here. Thanks for giving it a shot and have fun!

@brecht Thanks! We have a big community of contributors now. Glad you enjoy it!

@brecht I didnt realize that! I guess ya, Sxmo is a good gateway to contributing to the wider #Sxmo ecosystem. I hope it welcomes others to contribute to other FOSS projects too!