@milica_m @thomasfuchs If there are SEO issues then they are probably in the heads (or sales pitches) of people who want to sell more domain names. There seems to be quite a good correlation between organisations who understand the internet, and use its tree structure to good effect and those who hope it will all go away soon. It is good to be a tree

@milica_m @thomasfuchs However I agree it is still better than emulating Twitter etc and setting up an account on some random server.

@milica_m @thomasfuchs They will be able to control, via robots.txt which parts of are indexed, and may want to do so, as some of the content will be outside their control.
They should also look to supplement the section they put onto every web page which points people to their Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn (and in some cases Google+) presence with a link to their Fediverse presence, wherever that may be.

@milica_m @thomasfuchs quite agree on that, and, although I have not tried it myself, I believe the systems for moving within the Fediverse without losing followers are supposed to be OK, so now is the time they should be devolving some kind of presence and gaining experience.