Systemd rant
Great, now I can't used my new install because elogind in debian is too old and the newer systemd causes applications to be uninstallable. Pretty much every package that directly or reverse-depends on libsystemd0 can't be installed, including firefox. I believe users should have the choice to use the init they want but it's hard if that *isn't* possible in the first place.

@mirabilos haven't really tried that tbh but I'm pretty sure sway needs elogind functionality

@mirabilos what I install is still my choice, nextcloud-desktop relies on gnome-keyring for instance and that depends on elogind. The OS should support that with openrc

@mirabilos that's tge same with kwallet. They keyring needs elogind and libpam-elogind.

@mirabilos well I need sid for development

@mirabilos well nextcloud-desktop can be installed without a keyservice, but it recommends either of the two and without any one has to re-type the password everytime when logging in. So not great, and even if I need elogind it shouldn't be an issue package-wise.