Did MKBHD ruin an AI company and their product because of their negative review of it?

No, the bad AI product ruined itself and its company. Just because someone created a business, found funding and created a thing doesn’t mean they should get instant recognition, and a pass for crappy stuff.

Entrepreneurs aren’t your friends, they aren’t superior, they don’t deserve to be coddled. When they make sh*t products, they should be told that they made sh*t. MKBHD did their job.


@wouter Humane AI released a half baked AI powered pin, MKBHD made their review, pointing out the thing is really not ready, and some people seem to think it’s unacceptable to heavily criticize a product when you have a big online following, because it could tank the entire startup :)

@thelinuxEXP I don't really get all of this buzz around MKBHD. All he did was lay down the facts, it was not a hit piece, and his opinion is not far from other tech reviewers.

The product needed maturity, and they knowing this decided to launch with the usual mentality of moving fast and breaking things, appealing to the bigger wallets.

So why is he in the spotlight like he has done anything different than usual?