Launched doom remaster on pc. Realised the arrow keys aren’t bound to turn left/right. Realise you CANNOT bind turn left/right to keyboard keys. Close in disgust.

@tomncooper the number of times I wish I bought a Steam Deck in the last 8 weeks is… more than one

@tomncooper I was thinking of asking our former office mates whether anyone had one they wanted to pass on. Or is the OLED model worth it? truly not sure whether I'd play it mostly portable or mostly docked (or mostly gathering dust knowing me)

@tomncooper I think gamepad is acceptable. You can *just* bind all the essentials to the SNES controller's number of buttons for example.

@pmidden @tomncooper Doom supported Mouse from day 1. I think keyboard-only was popular in the early days, so some elitists call out mouse players, but Romero reportedly was a mouse player.

The situation today is entirely flipped: it turns out they deleted turn left/right in 2005 or so with the xbox360 port, and haven't put them back in yet!

I happen to prefer keyboard only for vanilla doom, but I'm probably in the minority.

This was kinda snarky and no offense was intended for people who worked on the doom reissue (several of whom are friends)

@pmidden @tomncooper it’s possible that mouse support was a faff to set up. I can’t remember if you needed a DOS driver loaded first. And/or if you could configure independent axis sensitivity