@drewdevault the Microsoft announcement doesn’t use the phrase “donate”. It talks about stopping being stewards and wine taking over as stewards.

@newt @rahulsiddharthan @drewdevault @philbetts @SuperDicq I agree with most of what you are saying, but I don't agree with the premise that Debian (or any other distro) should package up the whole universe at all. It was useful in the 20th century when bandwidth was scarce. Now it's wasted work imho

@newt @SuperDicq @drewdevault @philbetts @rahulsiddharthan IMHO, one (perhaps the only) valid reason to package .NET Core in Debian would be if something else wanted in Debian needed it. (And wrt this hypothetical downstream dependency, there's an open question about, what *should* go into the OS layer?)

@SuperDicq @newt @drewdevault @philbetts @rahulsiddharthan not at all. we have a plethora of other repositories today. Flatpak etc etc

@SuperDicq @newt @drewdevault @philbetts @rahulsiddharthan Flatpak is just one; there are others. It's nice you feel Debian has good quality control. I feel it suffers, precicely from trying to package the universe.

@SuperDicq @drewdevault @newt @philbetts @rahulsiddharthan the grass is always greener and all that but I'd like to see a more BSD-like split between Debian the OS and everything else ("ports" in BSD parlance) and (hopefully) work on quality particulary for the OS bit.