had to take the case off my phone to put in a new SIM card and almost launched it out of my hands a couple of times due to the wet-fish-like surface of the device. i've said this before, but a belief that the people making all of the decisions that govern our technosocial reality know what they are about just does not survive contact with reality.

like, i have direct knowledge of enough bigtech to be confident that it's a confused disaster run by fools and actual villains lording it over an increasingly demoralized & despairing class of technocrats, but let's say i was a tree guy or a plumber or something for a living. i'm pretty sure i would still pick up the wet fish phone, accidentally shoot it across the room to crash into the wall, and think "i am certain that these people have no idea what they are doing".

Either that, or they want you to launch it so it breaks and you have to fork over money for repairs.

Do not try to explain by stupidity that which can be sufficiently explained by capitalism.