If you ever had doubts whether technology is political:
(Short recap: Github CoPilot stops working if you have gender-related words in your code, anything related to sex and so on).
@tofticles Time to put "Gender" in all my docs and repos.
@tofticles This post may trigger pull request adding
to a whole bunch of the greatest FLOSS projects (still) on github.
It's like a flag for "AI-free code".
@Datterich @tofticles it would be amazing if adding this fragile masculinity marker
to code and texts would also prevent the LLMs from scraping/using it for their training data!
@tofticles@helvede.net CoPilot is a proprietary tool, offered on a proprietary platform. If you cared for the freedom to use the tool for your purposes, you shouldn't have relied on proprietary code.
@Datterich @tofticles "marker" is prolly too sloppy here, meaning of course something that shoos away any proponents of fragile masculinity, or a fragile masculinity scarecrow.
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