Anjan -> fosdem |

Software Freedom Advocate. I try to be helpful. Feel free to message me! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Co-maintainer of sxmo:

Posts here are my own and not my employers'.


@herag I cant recall but I think there were a bunch of performance issues and general usability issues with surf. I think you can still install surf on alpine via `apk add sxmo-surf`.

#sxmo is proud to anounce 1.6.0 release featuring sway (wayland) support.

To quote the release notes below:

"Sway will allow Sxmo to support many new use cases. For example, the keyboard touch input is much better on wayland, the android emulator waydroid requires wayland, the megapixels camera app has better performance under wayland due to a gtk4 bug on Xorg, video playback and firefox is smoother."

@craftyguy @etam The scripts menu is a bit harder, we've wanted to split them up into separate packages and make the ui package in pmaports slimmer but we just never got around to it. There is a discussion item on the but no one has given a concrete plan we can discuss.

No sure about why context menus dont work. Does it work in vim and firefox? Feel free to open a issue about this.


@craftyguy @etam Like clayton said, those are all great suggestions and we would love patches improving sxmo on the librem 5! The screenlock has been reworked and turning screen off is no longer a separate option. New screenlock will be in next release. Making a config file for lisgd sounds cool. We are not against config files like upstream suckless, in fact Xresources is supported. However, please discuss your idea for a config file in the bug tracker.


@ticoombs sd cards are more prone to corruption than eemc. I dont know about speed but reliability will definitely be improved by going to eemc.

I am running openwrt. Any recommendations for a privacy respecting dns?

Release notes for Mepo - a suckless map viewer for linux and linux phones is here:

Congrats to Miles Alan for the first release of this important program.

From the creator of Sxmo comes Mepo! A fast, simple, and hackable OSM map viewer for Linux. Designed with the Pinephone & mobile linux in mind; works both offline and online.

Release 0.1 has just been tagged and should be available in pmOS and alpine edge soon!

New post: multiple documentation versions on

re: pinephone sxmo, harrasment mention
@avalon I was thinking when I posted that patch "I think you could easily change this to block calls but Ill let someone else do it." Glad you took the time!

re: pinephone sxmo, harrasment mention
@avalon whoops, it seems you wrote the patch. Thanks! Hopefully one of the maintainers gets to it soon so we can include it in the future release!

re: pinephone sxmo, harrasment mention
@avalon Im really sorry to hear that.

We have text blocking implemented in the latest git head. I wish I had time to test but someone just sent a patch to the mailing list with call blocking:

I dont know how well it works for your case.

If you want to help, test out the patch and provide feedback please! You can join us on #sxmo on OFTC if you need help applying and testing the patch.

@ChrisWere It's always interesting that they choose not to compare the ethics of small community projects to those of billion-dollar corporations.

Most FOSS projects Ive used have taken privacy seriously and when Ive sent a change improving privacy, theyve accepted it. Compare this to google's CEO saying you should just have nothing to hide. The fact that a group of volunteers have more integrity than a billion dollar corporation is an indictment of the system.

re: linux question
@trash_cat They know how to update and maintain their computer?

I almost accidentally put an email with someone genuinely curious about one of my projects in my Junk Mail. I really wish spammers didnt make it reflex for me to skim subject lines. I wonder if Ive missed out on some wholesome emails from people.

@postmarketOS Laughed at the replay with @proycon . I think you can also find me saying we won't support wayland during our alpineconf presentation. Shoutout to @stacy for proving how easy it would be to support both X and Wayland!

@calebccff @postmarketOS Amazing work on this! Im considering picking up a oneplus 6.
