“Convenient”: Bad news, little dogg. This new labor-saving device took your job. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.
Actually Convenient: Good news, big dawg! This new labor-saving device creates more wealth than your old job ever could. You are done. You are free. Enjoy your retirement and comprehensive social benefits.
Let me put it this way: If you’re for a ban on abortion but against funding childhood cancer research, you are many things, but “pro-life” is not one of them.
where the fuck is #FediHire #GetFediHired for those of us who don't have the skillsets for 50k+/year salaries? those of us who are trying to struggle our way up and out of minimum wage jobs. those of us who are available for gig work, writing, edting, whatever, but don't currently have a formal affiliation?
because until then it's just another classist tool in the classist toolchest.
as for myself, I am a decent copywriter, copy editor, proofreader, often-times fact checker. I'm capable at data entry, file cataloguing, the tedious stuff that no one wants to do that keeps things from breaking down further on down the line.
I won't write things for people that violates academic integrity, but pretty much anything short of that is fair game. I can tutor in English, English literature, creative writing, Jewish studies and religious studies and pretty much the rest of the humanities as well.
but right now I just need something. I need a couple hours a week so I can pull in a hundred or two hundred per week so we don't fucking drown. where's that?
Thanks to everyone who came for today's event! We got to explore an underrated area while mapping over 150 features, including adding lots of details in the parks.
(Also TIL the live desktops include D-I, did not know that, I usually carry around several install images because I thought calamares was the only option)
I wonder where all these people are harvesting people's emails from :0
oh also for the public transit nerds who are on xmpp, I now technically administer a MUC:
aren’t on XMPP? https://contrapunctus.codeberg.page/the-quick-and-easy-guide-to-xmpp.html a good guide i’d like to say by @contrapunctus
having to choose my electives for next sem, worst part is the hell of navigating the uni website to find the syllabuses, why are unis like this