Wow... -- how deep is ocean and who lives there. -- "Analytic Philosophy: Past, Present, and Future". It was an enlightening discussion. Thanks to our invited speakers. ๐
Do you have to be always available at your office hour or you can set it as "by appointment" and forget about it unless someone ping you beforehand?
Do you have to be always available at your office hour or you can set it as "by appointment" and forget about it unless someone ping you beforehand?
Well, I also mean that there are no "pure" experiments, since they are dependent on a given theory, no "pure" facts. The same event (or experiment if it is specifically designed) would be interpreted differently in Aristotle's, Newton's, or Einstein's physics. And there are also a lot of ways to introduce ad hoc principles to save a given theory from refutation. I guess you believe that science produce the Truth, but the history of science shows that it doesn't.
Well, I also mean that there are no "pure" experiments, since they are dependent on a given theory, no "pure" facts. The same event (or experiment if it is specifically designed) would be interpreted differently in Aristotle's, Newton's, or Einstein's physics. And there are also a lot of ways to introduce ad hoc principles to save a given theory from refutation. I guess you believe that science produce the Truth, but the history of science shows that it doesn't.
But then what does count as verifiability of methods? What is the justification of it? I can think of appealing to common sense, but it doesn't work all the time, e. g. in quantum theory.
But then what does count as verifiability of methods? What is the justification of it? I can think of appealing to common sense, but it doesn't work all the time, e. g. in quantum theory.
One still needs to believe methodology. That is, that it works, is effective, gives the desired result. And when one compares methodologies, one needs another methodology for it (supplying comparing criteria). So, ulimately there's something to believe there. Isn't it?
One still needs to believe methodology. That is, that it works, is effective, gives the desired result. And when one compares methodologies, one needs another methodology for it (supplying comparing criteria). So, ulimately there's something to believe there. Isn't it?
In every other country you're in that country. In Soviet Russia, you're not in Soviet Russia, but Soviet Russia is in you.
DebConf20 starts on Sunday!
#debian, #debconf, #gnu, #linux, #freesoftware, #StayAtHome
DebConf20 starts on Sunday!
DebConf20 starts on Sunday!

Setting up a Tor hidden service is pretty straightforward. In a simple case one needs to follow [official instructions]( Also, it a good idea to take a look into [Riseup's Best Practices](
๐ฅ Call for Debian 11 (bullseye) artwork proposals ๐ฅ
There is a call for proposals for the coming bullseye release of Debian.
So, if you would like (or know someone who would like) to create a desktop look and feel that will be seen by trillions of people, be sure to send in your artwork
Deadline for submissions: 2020-10-15
There is a call for proposals for the coming bullseye release of Debian.
So, if you would like (or know someone who would like) to create a desktop look and feel that will be seen by trillions of people, be sure to send in your artwork
Deadline for submissions: 2020-10-15
By the way, HOPE 2020 [] is great. And there are still two days left.
By the way, 24 years ago, on June, 17 1996 Bruce Perens announced the first official Debian release, 1.1 (codename buzz) []. Congrats, @debian
So... rewrote my ugly spacemacs_pkg script to fetch a list of Emacs packages from Spacemacs _and_ (which is a brand new feature) Doom Emacs, and then mark them as **DONE** or todo depending on whether a given ELPA package available in the Debian archive.
Plan to change it to generate html. Probably with the help of jinja2. Not quite sure for now. Let's see.
Plan to change it to generate html. Probably with the help of jinja2. Not quite sure for now. Let's see.
By the way, (virtually) "attended" MiniDebConfOnline []. Talks were motivating, interesting, and useful. Videos are already available at []. Go ahead and watch, highly recommended.
Yay! works again! Thanks everyone involved! ๐
TLA: to cook pavlova one needs a good mixer, not just those lazy kitchen bells and whistles.
sensitive media