@Quinnypig TIL Dropbox is still a thing
@lanodan It's a pretty decent list, although I'd rank most of them above lynx since I *think* it's the only one among them that is completely unaware of css.
It's just amazing how unhinged people are. All of them. perhaps I should let loose a bit too. I wonder what that would even mean? I'm not sure I know how to be crazy. Or maybe I'm crazy and just don't know it. Maybe I should jump into a bathtub filled with cheese puffs. This requires some additional thought.
@LALegault Do you have a moment to hear about the good news about Cheesus Crust?
@olasd Ah so this is why phones keep getting taller and taller.
@mementomaori It's not anymore? Damn I didn't get the memo.
@LALegault I think she could have done a lot better if she had more coaching from marketing people and other popular polititians, even Sanders and Warren could've probably helped her shape her language to be a lot more palatable.
@LALegault You know, a good politician can usually put a good spin on something without even changing anything in reality. When her supporters chanted pro-palestine slogans at her rallies, she could've easily said something like "I'm not going to say something against the policies of my president, but under me things will get better" which isn't any kind of commitment at all, but it's a lot better than the effective "F U" that her supporters got from her.
@LALegault I'll license it for who wants to marry a Capetonian, because property prices here are already skyrocketing due to the influx of Americans and Europeans who are fleeing.
@magicalgirlsabrina I won't be smug about it because I hoped she would win. I wouldn't have been particularly happy about it, but besides her poor foreign policy the democratic campaign set forth one of the progressive campaigns ever, and a democratic win would've been a lot better for the US, for individual rights for people in the US, medicare, workers rights, and for climate change. This *should* have been a slam-dunk, but unfortunately she chose to be dismissive to voters.
@magicalgirlsabrina Nothing wrong with having hope, and if anything, hope is more important now than ever. Probably not the best time to say this, but hope, for all the good that it is, is not a strategy. For months I've seen people ignore huge issues with the democrats affecting their voting base in the hopes that it just won't be an issue, and Kamala turning against a big part of her voting base ended up costing her dearly.
@virtualbri Like the whole world has already been doing for multiple decades? Like founding new economic blocks that doesn't depend on the USD? The EU needs a wake-up call though.
@inanimatecarbongod It wasn't just her policy that put people off, but her attitude towards people on this issue. Sadly she made this in a red line for many, and if she was a better politician she could've (and for goodness sake she should have) put a better spin on it when confronted on this issue.
@LALegault Maybe he's new here... oh wait.
@juliank Not to nitpick but surely it's an orange clown.
@LALegault Well according to AP it's more like 214 v 248 now.
@LALegault You and everyone else. She handed the election to Trump. The margins between literally *anyone* else and Trump could easily have been *huge*. The democrats were willing to hand over the election to Trump because of Israel. It's insane.
@robdaemon I try not to, and yet they find a way to 1-up expectations.
@LALegault You mean the same less than a dozen or so billionaires who are basically ru(i)nning the world?