@mart_brooks urgh yes very typical nightmare story. From what I gather, all Debian's Haskell packages have to be built at the same time, or something like that, for similar reasons
@mart_brooks ouch. Yes that stuff can be a nightmare. "Stack", greatly improved things, IMHO. But I guess you're well out of that now anyway
@mart_brooks you worked on some Haskell stuff?
;stack-clean-old remove ghc-tinfo6-8.6.5
stack-clean-old: Data.Version.Extra.readVersion: no parse
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at src/Data/Version/Extra.hs:24:16 in extra-1.7.12-c8abedcb24d190c27055610ca4e6e83d1d7f4b8cbbc2717ebf4c287151ce1ccd:Data.Version.Extra
readVersion, called at src/Main.hs:89:17 in main:Main
@mart_brooks I’ve managed to navigate my career around ever using mongoDB, thankfully
@mart_brooks I am likewise very irked by the no-trailing-comma thing, and the no-comments thing
@mart_brooks yeah. I’m not aware of a jq-like tool for YAML but I’m sure they exist. I probably should have broken out python. Here’s my WIP monstrosity https://github.com/jmtd/openjdk/blob/templateTemplate/templates/populate-template-community.jq
@mart_brooks I could convert this to YAML (or just round trip it through YAML) but that felt like a trap too
“Maybe I can do this JSON templating work entirely with jq”
Last words of an engineer before disappearing through a singularity
Last words of an engineer before disappearing through a singularity
I wrote a work blog:
Overhauling memory tuning in OpenJDK containers updates #java #openjdk #containers #redhat
Overhauling memory tuning in OpenJDK containers updates #java #openjdk #containers #redhat
New blog post: date warping in HLedger https://jmtd.net/log/date_warping/ #personalfinance #software
`stack-clean-old` is a handy tool to measure the size of, and clean up some old GHC versions installed by stack
I was hacking on something and trying to reuse a date-parsing routine and the comment above read “this is awful but I’m just glad I got out of the date library alive”
Impatiently waiting to change broadband providers. All the prices advertised today are a fiction and if you signed up for a 2 year contract today you’d never once pay the price they are advertising, but 14% more from bill 1. This absurdity points to the ineffectiveness of OFCOM, IMHO.
@cstross @mildpeach @SteveBellovin I was given a yubikey a few years back to help a university test moving to 2fa and I’m embarrassed to admit I haven’t used it yet
@liw my Fediverse client truncated your poll options so i couldn’t read them :(
@cstross @mildpeach @SteveBellovin fwiw I’m pretty surprised you haven’t heard of FIDO2/yubikeys. Maybe my circles are more niche than I thought
@znoteer thank you. Got it from the Debian booth FOSDEM. yes it’s Debian tartan! Yep i3
@robinsyl an improvement on the old adage “roses are red, coding is pasta…”