werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@mirabilos @mia @Rasp top one are american ? wirenuts (I haven't seen them in europe). The bottom one are Wago connectors, the best imo for joining electrical stuff.

@woodpunk also caused by capitalism encouraging cosumerism and actively fighting the #RightToRepair. (looking at you, John Deere and Apple)

@woodpunk I had to help my friend (studying CS!) to install a new light fixture in his apartment. I also think that the number of people fixing things radically decreased. In retrospect I am glad that I did a vocational training as electrician.

@42GB @tea teekanne for green/black tea (organic), sonnentor for tea mixes (also organic, really good)

@Deiru sad. Debian does :)

@Deiru sysvinit enters the room

@natty this is cursed

@futurebird some many brands to choose from

@Omelette yeah I wish we had a european union where every member is a federal state

@Omelette sad truth. Traveling from Germany to Madrid for instance takes 2+ days and is not really cheaper than flying.

@Omelette yeah, agreed. One thing is to just complain about public transport while never using it whereas imho "legitimate" complaints about it are valid if you travel (a lot) using said mode of transportation. And DB is sadly unpunctual more than not (looking at you, privatization).

@Omelette @robotfactory @nomaster yeah, it's about DB. german's pastime includes ranting about DB and their delayed trains.

@juliana @cwebber you can install the glotious DebiankGnu/Hurd

@vriska imho falter has the best beer

@brainblasted capitalism ™

@fuzzychef sad truth

@stefank @alios TIL. habe für die paar manpages die ich geschrieben habe für upstream das einfach mit pandoc und md erledigt.

@alios .md und dann pandoc füttern damit

@juliank Create a vegan bolognese with zucchini and rice

@LunaFoxgirlVT there is an app that was mentioned on this week in gnome but I can't recall its name
