werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@maximemelian @ytvwld "mehr bock auf arbeit" könnte kotzen. Valide Kritik ?

@xtaran metal and hacking ? sign me up

still needs to upload everything though :/

updated #gtk-rs to the 0.6 release, finally. 48 something commits later this brings the #debian version on par with the latest release.
#rust #gtk #debian

cw: pol
@futurebird the greatest lie america told the world. "just work hard enough and one day you are of of them"

*done. I really need more coffee or black tea.

still compiling the #gtk-rs update. though I'm almost down now. enabled autopkgtest for almost all crates along the way

@vriska they're minerals, marie !

@mike805 @504DR @breadandcircuses @davva23 @wherephysicswentwrong They way of live and especially consumption of all humans has to change radically. The indigenous populations of the world are and have been living with the nature instead of against it. Real sustainability is the key thing here. If you don't take more than you need/which regrows we can all live with nature.

@mike805 @davva23 @wherephysicswentwrong @504DR @breadandcircuses Cuba is one of the only countries in the world where bees aren't dying en masse because they banned all pesticides some years ago. Organic, pesticide-free honey is one of Cuba's prime exports. I'm not saying Cube itself is perfects, it sure has its flaws. But this shows that a different way is possible. Nature will survive, not sure abt humans

@extinct lools like something out of half-life

@ash I got a that one at home: . Really easy to use, just put flour, yeast, spices and water in and press start.

cw: de pol
Alter, jetzt wird in München tatsächlich eine Hyperloop-Teststrecke gebaut (24 m). Laut #CSU eine "Innovation". Wir hatten in den 80ern den Transrapid erfunden, der aber aufgrund zu hoher Kosten nie zum Einsatz kam. Wenn man das damals vorangetrieben hätte gäbe es jetzt keine Probleme mit Personenfernverkehr. Mit 500 km/h Fahrtgeschwindigkeit könnte man in 2 h von Berlin nach Paris kommen während man alle Annehmlichkeiten des Zugfahrens genießt.
#nurdeppen #Transrapid

@grillchen sadly the main reason for the eu to exist today is economy™, things like unity and democracy kinda took a backseat

@grillchen evp and id entered the chat

@grillchen @lain which one are you talking about?

finally done with exams (:

@laslojott husky does it for me, on fdroid too
