werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@icedquinn no systemd ? \o/

@juliank this has been disproven, I recently read a book about dialects where this was mentioned. See # Form und Herkunft

@grillchen @kaia anthroposophists entered the chat

@gameplayervent sorry no clue then. Too used to the cli

@gameplayervent does git push origin :branch-to-delete not work?

@Anarcat I thought gpg incorporates all features of openpgp?

@Anarcat nice write up. gpg will stay, even if it's just for package maintenance and secure email communication.

@AnarchoNinaWrites like (almost) anything going horrible wrong regarding us politics can be traced to reagan. Wild that he cared about the environment but destroyed so much elsewhere.

@franklinlopez on adroid aegis is awesome. Gnome authenticator is good (supposedly), never tried it though (for desktop)

@AnarchoNinaWrites reagan sure fucked the us over.

New stickers arrived and ...
A dock with a sticker on top. The sticker is depicting the GNU logo morphed with the trollface, captioned "GNU MAD?"

@karolherbst hue. Indie game, beautiful music and art style imo.

Made some pan-fried falafel patties

@brainblasted there is stating they got an iOS branch. Hope this helps

@libreleah agreed, ev's don't solve the dependency on cars which should be phased out. However on the countryside there is often little to no public transport so people are forced into this car dependency. It's not ideal, but imo better for them to drive a ev than a "regular" car.

Finished reading The Power by Naomi Alderman. Wow, what a good book! Well written, told from multiple protagonists' POV and thoroughly entertaining. Highly relevant in these times and with a surprising twist at the end. Can only recommend, 10/10.
#books #reading

@neil @Ganneff true, and this is why I love Linux (and debian). It can only get better ! My Sennheiser earbuds work flawless with bt and switching to a different output is also instant. I also find the overview to select audio sinks/ outputs way better arranged than under windows.
pipewire is one of the things fundamental to the yotld™ imho.

@davidaugust this is the sfw version though

@mirabilos Fluß vs Fluss
