werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

You need to go to global TB setting and enable displaying of mail to plaintext only (iirc). Then you can use this extension to click on mails not rendering (rarely happening), thus saving bandwidth and having a QoL improvement.

@neil yw, this + the extension for plaintext mails only made my life so much better

@neil @Alonely0 also works for Thunderbird

@ju @decathorpe I mean I'm indifferent here; I just packaged the source code in order to have more nice software in Debian.

@kzimmermann yeah, it should run really smooth. Fwiw, I can really recommended Black Mesa if you want to have a "polished" Half-Life 1. It's got gorgeous graphics and is a ton of fun. You can get it on steam.

Wow, now there's a #BSoD feature being merged into systemd. One more reason to use #openRC

@decathorpe I mean there's a lot to choose from: hyper, isahc, ...

@decathorpe well most people probably use systemd-networking anyway (since it's the default :( ) I use NetworkManager and wpasupplicant since I know what it does. Network is something where native Rust might prove crucial in the future, but imho it's not there yet.

@9names yeah pretty much. Create the config file mentioned and install the libraries via apt, for instance syn version 2.x becomes librust-syn-dev. You might need to patch your Cargo.toml as we either are ahead or behind versionwise (sometimes). Like if you actually develop rust I wouldn't actually recommend it (unless you want to). If you have a spotty connection and want to develop even offline then it might be viable. Ymmv, though.

Yesterday I finished packaging rust-soup3 and rust-soup3-sys as those are needed for mousai. More to come ...

#Rust #Debian

@ema @MadMike77 @9names @hjvt @chuang
There was a blog post recently about that on You can create a .cargo/config file in you project root and then install all required crates as packages and tell cargo in said file to use those and build offline.

I can finally reveal some research I've been involved with over the past year or so.

We (@redford, @mrtick and I) have reverse engineered the PLC code of NEWAG Impuls EMUs. These trains were locking up for arbitrary reasons after being serviced at third-party workshops. The manufacturer argued that this was because of malpractice by these workshops, and that they should be serviced by them instead of third parties.

1/4 in front of an Impuls.

It's shocking how there's not more outrage against the killing of journalists in Gaza, in recent years, over 20 journalists have been murdered there, since October 7, another 50, and it's continuing at an unprecedented rate according to DM:

So I just biked like half an hour at -1° to get a brandnew electric kettle cheap but it was so worth it. Currently enjoying a mug of hot-buttered rum and feeling at peace.

@alice sus ngl (nice nails seriously)

#Ghidra is great, I am just annoyed that it does not scale well on hidpi screens.

@Conan_Kudo @gwync @decathorpe well yeah. I already maintain quite a bit but it's all alongside my studies which is a lot of effort. I enjoy maintaining and I also learned a lot in the process. Nevertheless getting some money for it would be nice.

@decathorpe @Conan_Kudo @gwync heh, sometimes I wish I'd get paid. I really should look into giving people an option to support my work I guess

@ubuntuasahi @baarkerlounger yeah, that where they are.
