werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@tubetime I usually stole them from snapeda or 3dcontentcentral, after checking them wrt correctness. I should learn how to design them myself though

@gorplop reminds me of the meme about teams needing a nuclear reactor just to open

@dalias yeah it's likely that the tip can't reach the necessary heat. Fwiw you cam so desolder stuff in an oven at 200 degrees celsius; be careful bot to leave the pcb too long in there

@dalias does it have a temp display ? If not, can you measure the temp somehow? It might help to add some solder to the pads first (even brick them), then heat all of them up

Wow, 15.000 people approximately here demonstrating against the fascists. Genuinely surprised. Had a good time despite freezing temperatures. #Antifa #NoAfd #NieWiederIstJetzt

Grüntee: Der Kaffee des kleinen Mannes/der kleinen Frau

Just took me an hour, but I finally understood Laplace transform on electric circuits. Better later than never I guess

Alternative history where openRC became the default init instead of systemd

@leyrer @xro *schauder* cablenuts

cw: depol
Schaut auf bayerntrend, muss erstmal schlucken. 15% afd ...

@jacqueline eh, I switched to openRC on Debian and it does what it should. I launch pipewire through a script I stole from alpine, though. Just works™ and no "stopjob is running" or my DNS and timesync also being my init.

that warm feeling when you discover a new free software project and it's #GPL licensed

Today I got my 300th package accepted into #Debian. It's not entirely correct as I took over maintainership for a few packages though. In other news, all dependencies for Snapshot are in Debian and it will land there soon™.

@mntmn @esther really stoked for kicad 8 to come out, SPICE simulation is supposed to be way better

That would require somehow finding a good algorithm to predict northern lights but so far I didn't find one.

Ideas for #Linux desktop apps:

- northern lights forecast app
- pollen prediction app

@maximemelian tenacity , audacity fork

@Anarcat@kolektiva.socialtge dev of hyprland is fine with genocide, see @ddvault s blog. Fwiw I use swayfx with openrc because of rounded corners and faster startup and it just works ™ for me (YMMV)
