werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

Ah nice, there's literal nazis planning to resettle all non-german people. And 13% would vote them. Gruzefix, oida. The future looks terrible. Even more important to be antifascist and get politically active.

@highvoltage would really like to go but can't because of exams :(

brr, biking at -5°C.

Not fun, but necessary.

It's available in #Debian unstable now.

#Loupe, the new image viewer for GNOME 45 is available in #Debian experimental. It's not installable yet though since I need to fix glycin-loaders it depends on.

@neil great idea. unfortuately reverse-engineering most firmware is hard and there aren't a lot of people working on it afaik. While I don't agree with everything he said Stallman was right about firmware being evil (see the polish train stuff)

@mirabilos italienische winter statt schnee und eis

@mirabilos o.O ich hoffe nicht auch bei mir, keine Lust auf Heuschnupfen schon jetzt

@decathorpe yeah, true. Most were already packaged in Debian (and updated subsequently with gtk-rs) but that's still like 10 new packages for snapshot to build without vendoring.

@MikeDunnAuthor "I was, I am, and I will be"

Just got the #Gstreamer gl-*-sys #Rust crates accepted into #Debian. This is a big step toward getting #Snapshot into #Debian. More to follow ...

man I am tired

@karolherbst @dotstdy that would be truly the year of the linux desktop if oneko and xsnow would work under wayland

@dotstdy @karolherbst hehe. xsnow is tricky iirc because you would need the compositor to implement the snow

@karolherbst still sad that xsnow does not work under sway

@wolf480pl lots of cool stuff. You can build a VCO ( voltage controlled oscillator), a digital-analog converter, a sawtooth/rectangular-wave generator ...

@cstross @froztbyte fwiw, I use OpenRC (Alpines and Gentoos default init) and it's just nice. Supports sysvinit scripts but also its own (which are less cluttered imo) and is very lean. It's dependency based and does parallelization by default, too. For logging I just went with rsyslog.

@marathon looks interesting, thanks, but I prefer "stock" debian. I might try ironbar though

Trying sway and so far I had zero issues with it or "pure" wayland in general. Only #KiCad and #Ghidra need XWayland and it's all idling at smooth 600 Megs of RAM. I will switch the bar probably, waybar is a bit boring imo. It's a bit of a challenge having to script literally everything, but at the end of the day the machine does exactly what I want. Coupled with the (relative) stability of #Debian sid and #OpenRC as init this is a great experience overall. I might do a writeup later.
