werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@homer77 16 Jahre Merkel

I was surprised to learn that the #ALX train is switching carriages in Regensburg these days apparently and is pulled by an electric locomotive at least this part of the Prague-Munich rail track.

The rest is still run with diesel :(

@kellogh a class action lawsuit has been filed:
And reading this FSF article the key here seems to be fair use: IANAL either, maybe @neil can shed some light ? To me this looks clear violation of the GPL

@paco 2/2 I grew up thinking the silicon valley was a pinnacle of innovation, but it's all a scam. I haven't seen any real innovation the last ten years, it just seems a race into a cyperpunk dystopia. Few indie/free software oriented companies like Purism or Fairphone being the exception.

@paco GH copilot is already breaking the GPL by using GPL'd code in its sources which is then fed to the user, but never contributes those chamges upstream. Iirc the SCFS is considering a lawsuit because of that. We need no new licenses, we need to limit the extent tech companies can grow to and disband/nationalize them otherwise. While at it, limit deep learning / "ai" for useful purposes such as DeepL or breast cancer detection. 1/2

@grillchen that's just straightup bad Latex code

@decathorpe yeah, really annoying

@decathorpe :D exactly my kind of humor. I do have my ANC in-ear headphones with me so it's not all bad but I wish people would just keep quiet in trains. It seems to work in TGVs, maybe this is just a German issue.

tmw you just want to chill in an ICE train and there's multiple people making a phone call on loudspeaker

compiling kicad 8.0.0 😊

Maxi Scharfroth wieder sehr sehenswert und eine willkommene Abwechslung gegen die ewige Hetze und inhaltsbefreiten Phrasen der CSU/FW. Sehr viel Respekt auch vor der Entscheidung die #noAFD auszuladen und tatsächlich in der Rede zu gendern. #Nockherberg

@Fiolakais I am in this picture and don't like it

On the agenda later today:

- test the wayland vnc client package I packaged yesterday
- study
- hang out in the hackspace

Just got my merge request for the debian librsvg package accepted, this was the biggest one I made to date. ~30 commits in total. Now it's up to date again and already uploaded to experimental. #Debian #Packaging

@rhonda @gregoa_ if you're on sid this is a recent bug in fontconfig.

@lethalbit exceptions apply

@lethalbit zathura maybe?

@anna that's certainly a good on-hand example to talk about racism

@anneroth poor turtles :(
