werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@anna also grew up reading both. Reading tintin now is really weird because there are pretty racist parts in there but it's still a well-written comic book. Not sure how I feel about that. Has a bit of a sour taste if you know about the atrocities the Belgians under King Leopold II. committed in the Congo.

drug mention
... and it's voted in \o/

drug mention
The current discussion of the cannabis legalization in the german parliament has 15000 views atm. Lots of good arguments for it, except from the conservatives, as usual.

@whitequark git innit -b ruv

@MikeDunnAuthor don't tell bavarians that their state was founded by a socialist, they'll lose it

@karolherbst well we still need xsnow under wayland

@karolherbst wfm on sway *shrug*

@karolherbst now I'm confident the YOTLD will arrive

@karolherbst btw:

haven't tried it yet, just saw it by chance

@Ganneff openkeyboard iirc

Repairing hack:

If you don't have a hot air source around (for dissolving glue) use an electric stovetop as heatsource. Just changed the charging module of my phone that way (the usb-c port was broken). Now it's charging fine again. #RightToRepair

@g @neil @mirabilos hell yeah

@grillchen precision scale?

@GayDeceiver always remember Hitler was pretty impressed by the extinction of the First Nations in America and modeled the Holocaust and the KZ's after that.

@g @mirabilos @neil yeah, this is the unfortunate reality we live in. Back when I was a teenager I spent most of my money on CDs (also lent ones from friends). I also started checking out CDs from my local library and feeding them to my drive, since that did cost me literally 4$ one-time (library card). Maybe this works for you, ymmv though.

@neuimneuland quelle für das bild ?

@g usually I buy/lend CDs and rip those

@highvoltage Happy Birthday !

rebuilding the new gtk-rs stack for experimental, just 50 crates to churn through

@sophie sorry, that is a erroneous leftover from the initial packaging. A fixed version will head to the archive soon.
