werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@spacekookie hell yeah

Almost 30 degrees C in April. Back then ™ snow in April wasn't totally uncommon. And people still deny climate change. Fucking hell.

And there is a second season, I am hyped.

Just finished watching Silo and.. Wow. Amazing. Didn't turn out at all how I thought. Great acting, kept the suspense going until the very end. Now I'm wondering if the other silos are connected to each other and if other humans life on the surface.

@ngz0 I know about the NetworkDisplays issue since I maintain that for Debian.
I'll just try it out anyway

TIL I can switch out wpasupplicant for iwd as wireless network manager. Also that I can use it as drop-in for NetworkManager. Even a GUI exists for iwd, similar to nmapplet.
I think I'll give it a a shot.

My bank switched to a new IT provider and I just fought 15 minutes to get the new app to work. Turned out it doesn't like the redshift filter I had on my phone. Partial safety net attestation ? No problem, but the redshift app caused it to freeze. Man, I hate technology not working as intended. Given that this is proprietary I'm not surprised either.

If you support Israel's genocide in Gaza, you are no different than a Nazi. Absolutely no different at all, you're a scumbag and deserve anything bad that comes your way.

Weil man es viel zu selten sagt und klare Kante zeigt:

- Kein Mensch ist illegal, Refugees welcome!
- Impfen schützt!
- Homöopathie ist Placebo!
- Der Klimawandel ist real!
- Rad statt Auto!
- Esst weniger Fleisch! Danke Vegetarier und Veganer!
- Antisemitismus, Homo- und Transfeindlichkeit sind scheiße!
- Feminismus ist gut!
- Kein Fußbreit! Danke Antifa!

Top Schild am #Easterhegg #EH21
Ein Schild mit der Aufschrift: "Sie verlassen den Freistaat Bayern, es darf gegendert werden"

Finished assembling my #Easterhegg badge. It was nice to do some soldering again
My Easterhegg RCA badge. It's depicting a rabbit in a Cyberpunk-eske city; the leds are simulating the neon lights.

re: German nonsense
@karolherbst@chaos.socialp. @amberxorluci
Once more this calls for strict Lazism. Wild that you pay Kirchenstreuer but not if you're e.g. Muslim.

Finished my exam, now OMW to #easterhegg :)

@floe @Laripopari Als Baier: Ja, herdse guad o.

Still looking for a ticket for the #Easterhegg 2024. If anyone has one to give away, even at short notice, I'd appreciate it.
Boots welcome.
#eh2024 #easterhegg

@mirabilos that's why I switched to pure debian for my server

@grillchen @frumble @eichkat3r Il commandante, fidel

nice, #KiCad 8 has landed in #Debian unstable.

@decathorpe well I thought better to cw it, but agreed
